I dont know... if that's the reason people want to change it then it would only serve to show that the "no history" nonsense has gotten to people. Besides lets be honest the takeover has been the best thing that has happened to the club why is it a bad thing to be reminded of? It's far from it and should bring a big smile to ones face IMO. Even my old man was saying he likes the current one.
You can say plenty about the phoenix not meaning anything(it probably does have a meaning but I can honestly say I never give a thought about other clubs' badges meaning, couldn't care less) and choosing symbols like the ship and all that guff but at the end of the day it's not even all that interesting to begin with(just going to lead to people boring others, explaining the badge to them that they never asked about), the rest of the world doesnt give a damn about any of that so theres no point trying to get fancy and all deep and meaningful, might as well just choose something that simply looks good which the current one does to many.