Club Badge (merged)

Teams that do NOT have the words 'football club' or 'FC' on their club badges

Crystal Palace
The Scum
West Brom
West Ham

so i guess that its not important, and we all know that Arsenal, Everton, Tottenham, West Brom, West Ham are all football clubs dont we?
I wonder if juventus ever had any confusion?
That's absolutely untrue (I'm sure there's some sarcasm in there). Personally, I wouldn't blame City if they never consulted with fans again after this. According to some when the consultation opened the club had designed a NYCFC copycat badge months ago that was going to be foisted on us after the fake consultation closed. There were all sorts of conspiracy theories on this thread never mind the others on other forums. Ultimately, City asked fans about the elements that mattered to them. They made it clear they wouldn't be bringing back an old badge but they would design one based on feedback. They've done that and produced stats. They deserve praise for what they've done - though to be frank all clubs should follow City's lead and it should be normal business practice. If FCUM had consulted with fans in this way it'd be held up as the model, and yet here is a leading European club doing it.

There are elements on the badge I personally did not vote for, but I do respect the popularity of these elements and so I totally support the new badge and, more importantly, the process.

Good post mate. I sincerely hope City do continue to engage with fans on these matters though. The problem with any kind of change is that you are never going to make absolutely everybody happy, that would be impossible. But I think the process the club has gone through has ensured they have kept as many people happy as possible.

If they had not gone through the consultation and just forced something on us, there would be absolute outrage. As much as there might be some negativity to the new design, I'm sure there would have been far more negativity if they had not consulted us at all. You could argue the consultation was as much about damage limitation than anything else.

Although the new badge might not be to everyone's taste, at least the club can back up with evidence that a majority voted for the elements contained. Personally I voted for the rivers as opposed to the rose. I noted from the feedback that over 60% voted for the rose though, so I am happy that a majority of blues got the symbol they voted for.

I just want to echo one of your earlier posts that it's unfortunate that the ipo office leaked the badge early. There was a huge amount of negative feedback based on that poor quality image. The solid badge in the consultation pod, and the huge flags before the Sunderland game are far better examples of the badge, and many fans (myself included) have had a huge swing in opinion based on seeing those. If only the club had been allowed to release the badge in this way, I'm sure the feedback would have been even better.

The badge really comes to it's own when embroidered, which is surely the most important way in which the badge is displayed.

People are generally resistant to change, and the fact the badge is "modern, original" means it is probably more of a shock to the system than if they'd produced a more traditional design.

I'm convinced they have been heavily influenced by the styling of Arsenal badge. Perhaps the "Cartoonish" design is 5 years ahead of the curve, and other clubs will follow the blueprint laid by Arsenal and City. Perhaps tastes will change and our badge will be remodelled over time to a slightly more traditional take on this core design?

Who knows, but one thing is clear, the badge now has the core elements that people love and associate most closely with City and Manchester.

That is surely a hugely positive thing, and we as City fans should be extremely grateful to the club for making that happen.
I just want to echo one of your earlier posts that it's unfortunate that the ipo office leaked the badge early. There was a huge amount of negative feedback based on that poor quality image. The solid badge in the consultation pod, and the huge flags before the Sunderland game are far better examples of the badge, and many fans (myself included) have had a huge swing in opinion based on seeing those. If only the club had been allowed to release the badge in this way, I'm sure the feedback would have been even better.

The badge really comes to it's own when embroidered, which is surely the most important way in which the badge is displayed.

People are generally resistant to change, and the fact the badge is "modern, original" means it is probably more of a shock to the system than if they'd produced a more traditional design.
Thanks for the comments. The IPO and MEN caught everyone unawares and that was a real shame. The club have tried the badge (and hundreds of other versions) in lots of scenarios to ensure they picked the right one. Some that looked good digitally didn't when mocked up elsewhere etc. anyway, it looks like public opinion is very positive overall. I'm sure when they start using it in the way that they will in the future we'll all appreciate it even more.
That's absolutely untrue (I'm sure there's some sarcasm in there). Personally, I wouldn't blame City if they never consulted with fans again after this. According to some when the consultation opened the club had designed a NYCFC copycat badge months ago that was going to be foisted on us after the fake consultation closed. There were all sorts of conspiracy theories on this thread never mind the others on other forums. Ultimately, City asked fans about the elements that mattered to them. They made it clear they wouldn't be bringing back an old badge but they would design one based on feedback. They've done that and produced stats. They deserve praise for what they've done - though to be frank all clubs should follow City's lead and it should be normal business practice. If FCUM had consulted with fans in this way it'd be held up as the model, and yet here is a leading European club doing it.

There are elements on the badge I personally did not vote for, but I do respect the popularity of these elements and so I totally support the new badge and, more importantly, the process.

Totally agree with you Gary, the club did their best, they consulted and they looked at survey results and designed a badge based on those results from what I can see. Shame about the leak in the IPO & MEN because then it became a bit of a damp squib to most of us, although I've just been talking to someone who didn't know about the leak and thought the launch was excellent. So there are people out there who don't read the newspapers and don't go on the internet!!
Thanks for the comments. The IPO and MEN caught everyone unawares and that was a real shame. The club have tried the badge (and hundreds of other versions) in lots of scenarios to ensure they picked the right one. Some that looked good digitally didn't when mocked up elsewhere etc. anyway, it looks like public opinion is very positive overall. I'm sure when they start using it in the way that they will in the future we'll all appreciate it even more.

In terms of the elements contained, I think the feedback is overwhelmingly positive. As this was the limit of the scope of the consultation, I think the club should consider the process an emphatic success.

The only negative feedback has been around the styling, which of course was not covered in the consultation. The branding / marketing experts employed by and engaged by the club have made that call.

Whether their call has been the right one, only time will tell. But I have to say that after the initial shock, the more I see the new badge, the more I like it. I've noticed a lot of other posters saying similar, so hopefully by the time it is adopted next summer there will be close to universal acclaim.
Thanks for the comments. The IPO and MEN caught everyone unawares and that was a real shame. The club have tried the badge (and hundreds of other versions) in lots of scenarios to ensure they picked the right one. Some that looked good digitally didn't when mocked up elsewhere etc. anyway, it looks like public opinion is very positive overall. I'm sure when they start using it in the way that they will in the future we'll all appreciate it even more.
I've no doubt of that at all, it's just a few suspect characters on here, some of who perhaps genuinely don't like it (fair enough, it's an emotive subject) but some of whom are wumming.

And yes, there was a little bit of sarcasm in my previous post. Okay, a lot.
Can't remember where I saw a side by side picture the new badge 'with' and 'without' the FC. When compared together, a few of the FC supporters changing their minds.
If possible can some find it or maybe any techs do another please.

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