Club Statement (confirmed that Mancini sacked)

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Glad it's done and dusted, couldn't carry on although obviously a shame we can't bid him farewell.

Cheers Bob for the last few years, always be remembered.

Onwards and upwards.
Thank you Mancini and good luck for the future.

Although I did not agree with your tactics sometimes in some of the matches I feel that you have given us a successful period and even the best managers make mistakes.

The players and board should also shoulder some of the responsibility for what has happened this season. Our transfer activity last summer was a shambles and Mancini warned that if we did not sign the right quality of players we would not continue to move the club forward.

Whoever comes in next better deliver something special that Mancini was deemed not to be able to do.
Not happy to see Mancini go. But when you've spent the best part of the season slagging off all your colleagues, players and bosses you're not going to endear yourself to many people.

The football seems to have regressed from last year as well.

I'm thankful for everything he has achieved but i can see why he's been sacked.
F*** off SSN "Massive Massive news" T****
and the t**** have just come out with the Mancini was in the stand for Hughes final game,if you've got anything about you Vicky kick some ass

Good luck in the future Bobby, didnt deserved to go out like that.

And 1 year since we won the league today....Well done city. Fucking pisses me off this club sometimes
youth team coaches next ....

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A very sad day.

Ironic how Mancini didn't hit the targets, and yet City's own schedule for replacing him hasn't been met either has it?

They now say they've effectively had to hasten their 'plans'. So it's a fail for them as well as Mancini.

A year to the day.... TO THE DAY.

Very upsetting. Very poor form from City from players through to manager(ex) through to senior management.

We did the same to Hughes, handled it badly... all the while, United handing over the reigns seamlessly.

We have come a long way in a short time, but have a long way to go before. It's never more evident than today.
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