Club Statement (confirmed that Mancini sacked)

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There's nothing like a bit of stability to build success....

Let's hope we're not heading down the Chelsea route. Benitez is looking for a job...

Crazy decision unless they've lined up Klopp. Now they were a heck of a good team.

Bad choice of day - the anniversary!

Best wishes Bobby Manc- we're not really here!
Thanks Bob. Disappointed, to say the least.

ZabbaStuntDouble said:
if Kiddo is taking control of the last 2 games AND the US Tour, thats a long wait for the new manager. If the Pellegrini deal was done, why say Kiddo takes control of the US Tour?

I dont think we have anyone lined up now Pellegrini has denied it.

oh god .......

..... are we gonna end up with Benitez???!!!

Spanish league doesn't finish till start of June, so we won't hear anything other than rumours till then....
It was in bad taste how its happened and how the media got to the story before the FA cup final... but there is no question he lost the dressing room and the performances and motivation of then players this year has been below par. I can only think of the derby at Old Trafford this year and the FA semi final against Chelsea where we have looked like the team we were last year. Summer transfers were shocking, and whilst it wasn't his fault, it is HIS JOB to motivate the team.

There must be a valid reason for his sacking. Disgusting how it's been leaked and the board had no option but to sack him on the back of all the rumours.

Thanks for everything Roberto, forever remembered by being the first manager I've seen win us a trophy.

Onwards and upwards.

kanovic said:
Danny St.helens CTID said:
Disgracefull, we are a laughing stock yet again, how this has been handled is disgusting, fcuk off city
Don't let the door hit you and Mancini on the way out.

Tit, this guy has done more for this club than any manager or player before, and the way he's been treated is a disgrace
IcriedwhenTueartleft said:
Eccles Blue said:
I know and acknowledge that the Club is greater than any one person but I am gutted.

Roberto Mancini stood up at a Supporters meeting and promised he would tear down that banner at the quiet neighbours' place and he did, he even said he would drive the bus to tear it down. He gave us the Premiership, he gave us the FA Cup and the Charity Shield. Thank you.

Thank you Roberto for some of the best times supporting City. You gave us everything (ok not the CL but....) I will never, ever, forget your reaction when Aquero scored that goal, the way you jumped into Brian Kidd's arms, the way you ran down the touchline, everything.

To think that it happened a year ago today. A year today at this time I was having an alcoholic drink.......... not something I do often but I was celebrating our glory.

I am just so upset to read that you have gone and I will be there at Reading tomorrow singing "Mancini, Mancini, he came from Italy to manage Man City" in defiance of the people who saw fit to humiliate you in this way.

Good luck wherever you go next. May they treat you in a more dignified manner than some people at Manchester City did. God speed.

Jesus, get a grip of yourself.

HAHAHA! That was a big strong, wasn't it :D
I'm guessing they felt last season was a peak in Mancini's capabilities, and ultimately we need to be better than that if we want to challenge on a European front.
I wanted Mancini to stay, but I'm willing to give things a chance, it wasn't so long ago we were pretty mediocre. I know Mancini's done us a great service to get us to where we are, where Hughes couldn't take us. But now someone else has to take us to where Mancini couldn't.
I'm sure the board know what they're doing. People clamouring for the Spaniards to go should just try and think why they've sacked him. It's not a rushed decision.

Also, given the media hounding I'm not sure how we could have handled it too much better. Admittedly, things weren't done greatly but it's always going to be that way with a sacking.

I'm eternally grateful to you Bobby Manc. Thanks for everything. But knowing you, you'll move on to other, more suitable things better for you.

And hopefully so will we.
All well and good, but we need an upgrade now - Pellegrini I dont think so.
Mourinho for a short term piss the rags off fix!
ZabbaStuntDouble said:
if Kiddo is taking control of the last 2 games AND the US Tour, thats a long wait for the new manager. If the Pellegrini deal was done, why say Kiddo takes control of the US Tour?

I dont think we have anyone lined up now Pellegrini has denied it.

oh god .......

..... are we gonna end up with Benitez???!!!

May 23 and May 25 are the US tour dates.

Pellegrini still has games to manage for Malaga until the end of May... I think 1st June is his last game vs. Barcelona.

There is a good reason by City have publicly said Kidd will manage the 2 last games AND ONLY the US tour games... because after the US tour our new Manager will be here, so please chill the fuck out, relax and watch the fireworks because this Summer will be one of our finest despite the crying on here.

Also, Mancini is lined up for another managerial role so no one needs to worry hes gonna be on Deansgate busking away!
What the fuck are you all so angry about??

A manager has been removed from a fucking football club. That is all.

You bunch of fucking drama queens.
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