Cole Palmer

Surprised Chelsea have bought him as they have plenty of players who can play out wide. He must back himself, so fair play to him. Someone did say he could play false 9.....I severely doubt it. It's not his game.

I don't buy the 'it will bite us on the arse' type of comments. He'll likely have a nice topflight career but I don't see him being top quality. As for the poster who said he we will have the same regrets that Chelsea have with their sales of Salah and KDB.....seriously?!

I don't understand the comments along the lines of 'why do we bother with the academy'. Are they unaware of the rumoured transfer fee?
Mixed feelings on this. Mostly bad ones.

Taking my Manchester City cap off for a second, I think it does make sense for both us and Cole. It's good money for us and he is going to get more exposure.

Bit of a gamble for him but fair play. I just wish we didn't bury every academy player under multiple £50m+ signings but I understand the pressure within the club to provide immediate results.

I guess I still find it hard to reconcile this behemoth we've become with the club I started supporting as a boy. I guess I want to have my cake and eat it too.
Bit sad to see him go but at the same time don't think he's got that special factor Foden was showing at the same age. Lacks that yard of pace to beat his man, decision making in the final third is a bit ropey. Clever footballer though and hopefully this kind of move is what he needs. McAtee will presumably get more opportunities this season than we initially thought.

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