Cole Palmer

The whole Palmer thing has been pissing me off for a while. As evidence I post the minute-by-minute of the match I often conduct with a Watford-supporting chum. As a bit of background, he chaperoned me to last season’s League Cup debacle at Southampton, where Palmer was average shit in possibly the worst team performance of Pep’s tenure. I’m in blue (obv).Also, apologies for the fanny-wiping during the game.


At this point I should state that my politics do not align with those of former PM Truss….

I like the lad but he didn't play particularly well, a couple of cute touches that came off, a couple that didn't. Guardiola would have gone mad when he back-heeled away possession in midfield.

To summarise, he isn't as good (yet?) as the press are building him up to be, and he isn't as bad as some on here apparently want him to be, for some reason.
If you landed from Mars, with knowledge of football, but no knowledge of any of the players, and I asked you to rank the impact of every player 1-22, plus subs, Doku would have been higher than Palmer and Palmer wouldn’t have made the top 10.

Now, can we get on with life and actually wait until he becomes a consistently strong, impactful player before shooting our load every time his name comes up?

Tell you what, freeze this thread topic for 1 year, until the business end of NEXT season, and let’s revisit Cole Palmer and his impact on Chelsea, England and the Premier League…when there might ACTUALLY be something to talk about.

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