Colin Bell's beef with City

california blue

Well-Known Member
13 Sep 2005
lost angeles via sunny stretford
Not the meaty variety but more to do with him taking an issue with some of his England caps.

I remember a while back it came out the 'ol Ninjinsky took offense to the club not letting him has his England cap or something like that. Cant remember the original story. Can anyone else?

I dont believe he's croaked it but its like the club has washed its hands with him and brushed all the shit under the carpet. Its a shame when you've got Dennis Tueart Buzzer and others being held in such high esteem.

Where are you Colin??!!
I think he works for City as some sort of Ambassador. He's certainly around a lot in the Executive areas.
Dennis Tueart? mmmmmmmmmm, don't think so.
As for bell, he should take that rather large chip he carries on his shoulder and have it surgically removed, buzzer deserves everything he reaps, top bloke, never been aloof and certainly never gotten above his station.
He fell out with Franny Lee, when he was chairman, and took back his England caps which were on display at Maine Rd.

Thats all in the past, as he is now a regular in the corporate lounges on match day
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Dennis Tueart? mmmmmmmmmm, don't think so.
As for bell, he should take that rather large chip he carries on his shoulder and have it surgically removed, buzzer deserves everything he reaps, top bloke, never been aloof and certainly never gotten above his station.

So exactly what station has Colin gotten above. Please explain.
Met Bell twice at the ground in the last couple of years and he is an absolutely top bloke

Anyone who thought he had a chip on his shoulder must have met either the wrong guy, or Colin on an extremely bad day. as far as i know, he's still an ambassador.

very surprised at some comments above
Colin's a bit shy which can be misinterpreted as aloofness but he really is a decent fella.

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