Colin Shindler in the Mail

SupermanUnderpants said:
Awww Colin, what you doin! Gonna have to burn you book now.

He forgot there's generations of us that haven't seen success at our club yet, and if it means bending over and getting shafted, then call me a whore.

What makes his opinions even harder to take are that we, in no way, are bending over and being shafted. If anything we're being treated to a high class call girl!
Interesting to contrast his views with those of David Conn, who I was lucky enough to meet recently. David is one of football's greatest cynics, always writing about the unacceptable face of the game and the dodgy and downright dishonest owners that seem to abound. He was totally anti-Thaksin and I was interested to see what he thought of the current situation and slightly worried that I'd be subject to a lecture about how terrible it was.

His first words were along the lines of "Isn't it great. What an exciting time to be a City fan." So if it's good enough for David Conn...
The article seems to be less about Manchester City, and more about what he thinks the club and the fans should be. Just because he has written a few books does not mean he is the voice of the fans, however when he is the go-to-guy for 5 live and the Mail to be the voice of the fans this is the impression that people will get. I also had misgivings over Shinawatra and romanticise about Maine Road, but I think Schindler needs to realise that when you support a football club, it is not just an extended metaphor for your life. He can't pick and choose who and he supports the club, and whilst most supporters expect to take the rough with the smooth, Schindler can't seem to envisage taking the smooth with the rough.

It is a natural problem with sports comment writing, that the papers want to present the 'voice of the fans,' when invariably all they can ever publish is the voice of a fan. This is Schindler's view and good luck to him if he can get someone to pay him to write it. However, the title is misleading. On reading the article he doesn't argue that "The heart has been ripped out from the club I have loved for 50 years," but that he has fallen out of love with the club. If he was not made out to speak for the fans then it would be acceptable for him to write it, and we have the right to argue back, but to hold himself out to be the voice of the fans, or more likely allow himself to be so, is rude to every other fan who has just as much right to their opinion.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I wonder how long before Simon Hatonstone does a similar one?
Didn't he top himself when we got taken over by ADUG?

I believe he thought about it, but the thought of all those juicy articles about how City have ruined football kept him going.
cleavers said:
The Anti Jewish comments have been deleted, don't post any more please, call the guy a c*nt if you like but leave the anti Jewish stuff out, its not for this website.


So you are calling me anti-Jewish because I wrote the following:
He is not giving any specific reason why he thinks that the current club is 'rotten at the core'. Maybe its because he is a religious jew and the owners are religious arab muslims. If that is the case I think that there is no place at our club for thinking like that.

I would like to apologise if I somehow offended any people by the above comments. I am certainly not anti-jewish and was drawing a parallel with the happenings in the middle east and the fact that Shindler goes at great lengths to highlight his jewish roots in his article.

I would also like to call Cleavers an arrogant, power-tripping twat of the highest order for calling me anti-jewish.

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