Colin Shindler in the Mail

maineroad68 said:
gordo eddie said:
.I suppose if you are Jewish you are not going to like Arabs owning the club.

i'm Jewish and i couldn't give a fuck who owned the club-provided they help[ us win something- so be careful with your sweeping statements. If i dislike someone it's not coz of their religion- it's coz i don't like them.
Likewise. I'm delighted aqbout our new owners because they have treated us and the club with respect. And the same goes for every Jewish City fan I know.

Colin Shindler may have been born and brought up Jewish but he is certainly not a practicing Jew so I don't think there are any racial overtones to this. He's happy to leave that to Dave Whelan.
fluffy_blue said:
I would also like to call Cleavers an arrogant, power-tripping twat of the highest order for calling me anti-jewish.

Call me what you like.

I simply removed two (if I remember correctly - it was 1am) posts from this topic, both of which were headed down an anti-jewish route, neither of which were from this user name that I recall.

This is the policy of the forum, I didn't ban anyone, nor did I warn anyone directly, all I did was post a message to the effect not to post any more anti jewish comments, and deleted those that I thought were.

If you want to carry this on further I suggest you do it through PM's, thanks.
well Mr Shindler you may wish to be part of a club where players get a bus to the match with boots under their arm..when football fans from other clubs say,"oooooh he's a city fan, arn't they soooo loyal , all these years without winning something but they're still happy!" where we are a laughing stock not having won anything for a number of years ...but I don't!

I suggest he supports Bury FC !!!
ive a copy of man u ruined my life on dvd thought some of it was quite funny but there was one part about the passing of a young city fan being told by his father, it was one of the most moving statements i have ever watched and listened too, my father died of the same illness when i was 2years old, so all i have to say to the falling out on here is we have enough problems with the media and sky? (WE HAVE TO STICK TOGETHER WE ARE MAN CITY WE ARE A FAMILY WHATEVER CREED OR COLOUR ) dont fall into the trap because thats what they want, dont give it them? we have been given a chance to stuff all there jibes and redicule right where they deserve it?
On reflection after my rant earlier in this thread, I took the book m*n ud ruined my life, (not read a xmas gift of relative) and gave it to a charity shop. It always bugged me as I know what its like to be a city fan and have m*n utd in my face I grew up with it for crying out load!!!
The guy is a self indulant lazy journo, do one mate!
Anyone remember in the dark days of 98/99 season, he had a column in the times, reveling in our misery, on reflection, I bet he fuking loved it, self-flagulating weirdo!!!!!!!!!
cleavers said:
Corky said:
I said City moved a match from Yom Kippur under Bernstein and it gets deleted for being 'anti-Jewish'.

It was a fact, we beat Ipswich 1-0 Horlock header and Weaver cartwheels etc.

This is my last post on here, I am not posting on a site that defends certain religions to the hilt but allow others to be slagged off.

I did nothing wrong at all.

If you seriously believe that MCFC moved a game because of Yom Kippur because of Bernstein, then please provide proof, but personally I think you are talking crap.

I deleted your post because we don't want topics debated on religious/race terms (see code of conduct), call Schindler if you like (its clear he's a bitter twat reading that), but please leave religion/race out of it.

I got the match wrong, but it happened.

Everyone knew about it at the time, shows we have different fans these days:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... anged.html</a>

We have Christmas and Easter matches two, play around a relegious calendar. I did not express an opinion on this change, but City matches have been affected by religion.
I have read “Shindlers twist” a couple of times and it got me to thinking.

We the supporters are proud of our roots, our Mancunian roots and many of us still love our roots enough to continue to live and work here.
It was not Mancunians (the supporters) who sold the club to a man from Thailand it was the shareholders, the owners of the club. The very same shareholders also appointed David Bernstein as chairman. He himself was just a hired hand.

What choice did the fans have in deciding who bought the club, as always the fans have no say in the decision making process. Nobody ever asks us our opinions. The majority of clubs are owned by individuals or corporations. Very few are owned by the mere supporter.

It was not a case of too many fans looking no further than the money.
What are we supposed to do, walk away from the club that we have supported for generations, just because the shares change hands again and again?
Owners may come and go, (and it may be that one day our new owners will move on) but the true fans, the supporters live on for ever and ever.

As a boy in the 60s I fell in love with Man City, I enjoyed the talents of Francis Lee, Colin Bell and Mike Summerbee et al and their talents blended together brought us success on the pitch. Of course over the years I have still been mesmerised with the footballing gifts and skills some players have displayed and still, yet still I have longed and yearned for a repeat of those heady days and the seemingly elusive success.

I have seen other clubs succeed where we have failed, but could I honestly support any other team? Could I really contemplate turning my back on my team just because one rich man has sold his toy to another richer man, or because our trophy cupboard is bare?
Of course there may be times when I have been angry and down right furious with the decisions that owners or managers have taken, I may have been infuriated with the way the team has played, the lack of pride and passion displayed. But turn my back? Withdraw my love?
An owner may purchase the shares, the buildings, the players, the rights to the club name. He may buy all the physical assets. For all these can be bought at a price.

But you see supporting Manchester City is in my blood, it is blue blood, it is a part of me. It is part of my life. No one can ever buy the piece of Manchester City that I have owned in my heart for over 40 years. It has never been for sale and it cannot be purchased. I breathe in Manchester City air, I walk Manchester City streets.

How can anyone who has ever truly loved Manchester City say “I want to love Manchester City again... but I just can’t?”

To have lost that love that person must have somehow died. They must have lost all feeling and passion. They must have at some point given their love to another!

No one else may determine that which I will love. It is a decision I make. What is this Manchester City that I love? It is that team that takes to the pitch on match day, the players who take the hopes and dreams of thousands of Manchester City supporters into battle with pride. That group of men who go by the name of Manchester City, who wear the colours of Manchester City. This is my beloved Manchester City.

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