Collective Grievance At Work

Does anybody have any experience of this please??

Basically, we have a small team (around ten people) and one guy is causing issues with his laziness, attitude, application and it's upsetting the other nine.

So, the other nine have written an informal letter with a few example of where the individual has caused them grief, they have all signed the letter and two of them want to sit with the individual and read the letter with him as they don't want to escalate the issue (yet) to HR or senior management.

Could this letter be classed as bullying if the individual wants to take it further / make it formal??

Of course the individual needs to get his point across, but he really is causing distress and angst amongst the others.

Has anyone experienced issues similar to this??
Are you the hateful 9?
Girl in our team being bullied by our new line manager. She's been to HR and they took his side. He made her move desks and now sits by a window which has a major draft. I reported it to maintenance who can't fix it easily due to age of the building and windows (it's at Hampton court palace). I asked could she move back to her original desk (few feet away other side of the office) he replied no she sits where I say. If not happy she can stuff the gap with newspaper. I've told him that's not acceptable and been to union but she's scared to take it further.

In November she applied for cutting down a day from Feb due to child minder not being available. She asked for update last week and he'd forgotten about it. She asked to work from home when bus strike was on but he said no (she's quite capable of doing her job from home) but he said no and she had to get her kids out of bed so her husband could bring her in. Same day he let another guy work from home even though he had alternative means of public transport.

Before going on holiday I asked could I work from home as easier for me to get to airport and saves on 90 minute commute. He said no had to come in and bring cases with me. That wasn't an option so I ended up working in office and having to get taxi to airport rather than free public transport (I'm over 60). I'd asked weeks in advance but he let that other guy work from home same day and he'd only asked could days before. I had created a teams chat for bit of banter between us (before he started). The guy who he lets work from home told him about it. His boss said we had to add him or delete the chat as there was no one to be excluded. This wasn't an official chat just one between few of us. I deleted it.

I have long list of things for my next development review which is supposed to be every few months but no sign of one yet. In an informal meeting after he started he told 3 of us we offer nothing to the office dynamic. He also told me don't make office feel very welcoming and also offer nothing to the team, the dept or organisation. 3 of us got combined years of 56 years (mine been 16 years). He'd been there a few months at the time.
Never ever checks in on guys at other sites and they could go weeks without hearing from him
Both you and your female colleague need to be proactive and start doing everything connected with your manager in writing. Create an audit trail and blind copy your union rep in so they have arecord of what is going on.
Ask about your monthly/bi-monthly check ins and make sure you keep records of what is said so that the manager cannot worm their way out of it.
Paint them into a corner at every opportunity and show that they are the one being unreasonable and failing to create a open freindly workspace.
When he criticises you go back to him quoting him and ask him to expand on what he has said. That will confirm the inappropriate language that he is using to you and again paint himself into a corner.
It is the audit trail and being able to demonstrate that he has his favourites and has those that he discriminates against, that will sink him in the end.
Girl in our team being bullied by our new line manager. She's been to HR and they took his side. He made her move desks and now sits by a window which has a major draft. I reported it to maintenance who can't fix it easily due to age of the building and windows (it's at Hampton court palace). I asked could she move back to her original desk (few feet away other side of the office) he replied no she sits where I say. If not happy she can stuff the gap with newspaper. I've told him that's not acceptable and been to union but she's scared to take it further.

In November she applied for cutting down a day from Feb due to child minder not being available. She asked for update last week and he'd forgotten about it. She asked to work from home when bus strike was on but he said no (she's quite capable of doing her job from home) but he said no and she had to get her kids out of bed so her husband could bring her in. Same day he let another guy work from home even though he had alternative means of public transport.

Before going on holiday I asked could I work from home as easier for me to get to airport and saves on 90 minute commute. He said no had to come in and bring cases with me. That wasn't an option so I ended up working in office and having to get taxi to airport rather than free public transport (I'm over 60). I'd asked weeks in advance but he let that other guy work from home same day and he'd only asked could days before. I had created a teams chat for bit of banter between us (before he started). The guy who he lets work from home told him about it. His boss said we had to add him or delete the chat as there was no one to be excluded. This wasn't an official chat just one between few of us. I deleted it.

I have long list of things for my next development review which is supposed to be every few months but no sign of one yet. In an informal meeting after he started he told 3 of us we offer nothing to the office dynamic. He also told me don't make office feel very welcoming and also offer nothing to the team, the dept or organisation. 3 of us got combined years of 56 years (mine been 16 years). He'd been there a few months at the time.
Never ever checks in on guys at other sites and they could go weeks without hearing from him
I had visions of Morgan Freeman’s parole hearing in Shawshank Redemption reading that (underlined)….lol

Surely at 60 odd you don’t need ‘development’
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Just so we are all on the same page. Is this thread linked to the 3 others currently doing the rounds or is this a separate moan about a hardworking bloke just trying to survive but being ganged up on by lazy, been there too long work shy wasters ?

Just askin'
Just so we are all on the same page. Is this thread linked to the 3 others currently doing the rounds or is this a separate moan about a hardworking bloke just trying to survive but being ganged up on by lazy, been there too long work shy wasters ?

Just askin'

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