Thank you, it's just I drop my basic phone about every time I hold it, and can't grip to swipe at bigger proper smart phones. touch screens are a he'll with my numbing fingers. Which is why I've never been able to make the switch, I would drop it into concrete and break it within a week, and my fingers wouldn't be able to properly access it. As well as the stress factor id feel. Long-term I don't know the, answef, city still do a plastic season card for now, but did prints for kids fanzone and wembkey. I use a big desktop computer for typing and still make a mess of it at times. I was holong my condition would slow!y improve, but it's going the other way inxtead.
just letting it get to me that with 48hours to find still have no idea how I'm getting the match tickets I paid for.
Thanks tho, night