Complaint to BBC regarding Pete the Badge

This whole thing reminds me of the incident with Clarkson on Top Gear using the word 'slope' – that is a derogatory term for Asians (apparently) but it's not a commonly known term... the BBC claimed not to be aware when there were complaints... but they had to publicly apologise! Now they're claiming not to know that they have used a derogatory term towards us... well like the Top Gear incident, apologise you cnuts!!! Can you imagine them writing an article about United fans using the term "Rag" or "Rags" neither can I!!!
This whole thing reminds me of the incident with Clarkson on Top Gear using the word 'slope' – that is a derogatory term for Asians (apparently) but it's not a commonly known term... the BBC claimed not to be aware when there were complaints... but they had to publicly apologise! Now they're claiming not to know that they have used a derogatory term towards us... well like the Top Gear incident, apologise you cnuts!!! Can you imagine them writing an article about United fans using the term "Rag" or "Rags" neither can I!!!

Which is what they should have done in the first place.
I can understand an editor not recognising it, or possibly being misled over what it meant, but once brought to their attention (and edited on the page), hold your bloody hands up and do better next time!
Which is what they should have done in the first place.
I can understand an editor not recognising it, or possibly being misled over what it meant, but once brought to their attention (and edited on the page), hold your bloody hands up and do better next time!

It stinks this does. Some spotty geek rag had a dig at a vulnerable bloke for a few cheap laughs and RTs in London, Singapore, Asia and everywhere else they infest and now they are protecting him/her/it. Its not on. This needs taking all the way lads. We should write to MPs, get social media involved, flags at the match etc. The club might even help?
I don't like this guy being bullied any more than the rest of you. He strikes me as a gentle eccentric sort of bloke.

On the wider issue of the media treating us badly, I think it's not just our imagination, there is an agenda against us.

So fucking what? Man up. Grow a spine and a pair of big hairy bollocks while your about it.

All this whining is pathetic. Makes us look like a right bunch of mard arses.

Enjoy the journey - years of trophies and fun to come.

Well said. The constant victim mentality on these boards is pathetic at times and the media rage is Trump like. Does anyone even know if Pete is arsed about any of this?
It stinks this does. Some spotty geek rag had a dig at a vulnerable bloke for a few cheap laughs and RTs in London, Singapore, Asia and everywhere else they infest and now they are protecting him/her/it. Its not on. This needs taking all the way lads. We should write to MPs, get social media involved, flags at the match etc. The club might even help?

PB reckons the club have been in contact about it.

I don't think anyone decided to have a go at Pete as himself, I doubt they knew who he is when they got the photo - the "most Manchester City fan" picture they could find.

I do think that the appropriate inhouse response would be a bollocking, but I don't think that the BBC should be under any obligation to reveal their disciplinary measures to those who complain, unless their guidelines require it.
Well said. The constant victim mentality on these boards is pathetic at times and the media rage is Trump like. Does anyone even know if Pete is arsed about any of this?
As MMA says, it's not about Pete or a personal attack on him. It's an attack on all City fans. Whether he's bothered or not doesn't come into this. If you were coming out of a away game with your mates and saw some opposition fans laying into a lone Blue, would you say "He looks like he can handle himself" or "It's not my problem" and just walk on?
This makes you look. Well tough...enjoy mr tough guy but unfortunately the situation demands a little more and you really do not seem to understand the ramifications of this issue.why TF do you think that clubs employ PR teams?

OK the language was a bit over the top but I stand by the point - we've got to accept that success comes with a price - we're not going to be lovable old useless City with the best set of fans in the world any more. I prefer the current situation, winning is a lot more fun than losing. We (City) have a great story to tell and the future looks better than anything that's preceded it.

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