Complaint to BBC regarding Pete the Badge

I will be honest I didn't really get offended by the obvious reference to "Bitter Berties" because it's not the first time we've heard it and we know they are biased they always have been.

Having thought about it, what annoys me is it's like an individual there was clearly taunting City fans in general not just Pete("look at that Bitter Bertie typical City eh haha?"), we know it and they know it. If it was from somewhere like Paddy Power we know they "bantz" all the time and we'd be a bit silly to react in the same say but the BBC is supposed to be a different kettle of fish ie professional... the person who did it was unprofessional and they know it, what should happen is they acknowledge it, apologise(to Pete probably via letter but it's better than nothing and a statement apologising to the City fan base) then say it's been dealt with and we move on.

Instead they are basically either denying it or saying it's not a big deal by the way they've handled it, which is again unprofessional, when you are in certain positions there are certain expectations and responsibilities that rightfully come with all those perks they enjoy(such as the extra credibility they are given by default among other things). We put up with their biased anti-city bullshit enough while they tell us we are making something out of nothing if they are going to try and pull that same trick here and sit and tell us they don't have anything against City or City fans then they lose whatever little credibility they have left with us.

Bang on.

I don't want a name, I don't want someone to lose their job.
I want it to register that they have something to address internally.
I will be honest I didn't really get offended by the obvious reference to "Bitter Berties" because it's not the first time we've heard it and we know they are biased they always have been.

Having thought about it, what annoys me is it's like an individual there was clearly taunting City fans in general not just Pete("look at that Bitter Bertie typical City eh haha?"), we know it and they know it. If it was from somewhere like Paddy Power we know they "bantz" all the time and we'd be a bit silly to react in the same way but the BBC is supposed to be a different kettle of fish ie professional... the person who did it was unprofessional and they know it, what should happen is they acknowledge it, apologise(to Pete probably via letter but it's better than nothing and a statement apologising to the City fan base) then say it's been dealt with and we move on.

Instead they are basically either denying it or saying it's not a big deal by the way they've handled it, which is again unprofessional, when you are in certain positions there are certain expectations and responsibilities that rightfully come with all those perks they enjoy(such as the extra credibility they are given by default among other things). We put up with their biased anti-city bullshit enough while they tell us we are making something out of nothing if they are going to try and pull that same trick here and sit and tell us they don't have anything against City or City fans then they lose whatever little credibility they have left with us.

to be honest i never knew the term Bitter Bertie anmd i didnt know Pete's name, but when i saw the post i knew it was taking the piss the way Bertie was in inverted comma's 'Bertie', it wasn't done in a term on endearment.

And the actually name is un-imaginative (typical Scum), i don't get offended by it. something like Whinging Willies with a character of a shriveled up penis would be more offensive to opposition fans. All Bitter Bertie conjures up to me is Trebor have produced tangy liquorice allsorts, which sounds quite tasty.

But the fact the post was done by a corporation that brands itself as 'impartial' and 'unbiased', completely stepped over the line that mocking and aggravating a certain set of fans. I'd get annoyed if they singled out any clubs fans in that way as its not their job to "pick a side".

But i fear its just what football media has become and BBC Sport have started to evolve to compete with the likes of Sky Sports, concentrating on gossip stories, hearsay and scandalous headlines to encourage clickbait., rather than the credible and accurate reporting that the historic corporation was founded on.
to be honest i never knew the term Bitter Bertie anmd i didnt know Pete's name, but when i saw the post i knew it was taking the piss the way Bertie was in inverted comma's 'Bertie', it wasn't done in a term on endearment.

And the actually name is un-imaginative (typical Scum), i don't get offended by it. something like Whinging Willies with a character of a shriveled up penis would be more offensive to opposition fans. All Bitter Bertie conjures up to me is Trebor have produced tangy liquorice allsorts, which sounds quite tasty.

But the fact the post was done by a corporation that brands itself as 'impartial' and 'unbiased', completely stepped over the line that mocking and aggravating a certain set of fans. I'd get annoyed if they singled out any clubs fans in that way as its not their job to "pick a side".

But i fear its just what football media has become and BBC Sport have started to evolve to compete with the likes of Sky Sports, concentrating on gossip stories, hearsay and scandalous headlines to encourage clickbait., rather than the credible and accurate reporting that the historic corporation was founded on.

They are here to REPORT the news Not make it.

By default the BBC are the worst of a very bad bunch of very poor broadcasters.
This thread is an interesting insight into how big corps handle complaints.

Instead of saying - "Yes, some rag in the web team was trying to have a joke, we're sorry" they have responded by being defensive and essentially lying.

As and when they finally cough up and acknowledge what went on I hope the approach Pete and apologise personally.

Might also be a good piece to do about old school football fans wsho invest large amounts of their lives into their passion.

Hope you are reading this thread BBC - do the right thing.
This thread is an interesting insight into how big corps handle complaints.

Instead of saying - "Yes, some rag in the web team was trying to have a joke, we're sorry" they have responded by being defensive and essentially lying.

As and when they finally cough up and acknowledge what went on I hope the approach Pete and apologise personally.

Might also be a good piece to do about old school football fans who invest large amounts of their lives into their passion.

Hope you are reading this thread BBC - do the right thing.
They'll probably pick a rag who has watched every one of their games since Sky started broadcasting, and has yet to leave his armchair. They will emphasise the annual cost of his subscription, how much it has gone up since he started watching, and the peripheral costs of food and drink he has had to buy before, during, and after the match, plus the extra travel to and from his fridge. Their idea of a "true" supporter.
I will be honest I didn't really get offended by the obvious reference to "Bitter Berties" because it's not the first time we've heard it and we know they are biased they always have been.
Can't say the bitter jibe bothers me either, what bothered me was who they picked on to make the link, it was nothing other than cyber bullying of a City character, there's just no need for that sort of stuff from what is supposed to be the UK's national and international mouthpiece.
Can't say the bitter jibe bothers me either, what bothered me was who they picked on to make the link, it was nothing other than cyber bullying of a City character, there's just no need for that sort of stuff from what is supposed to be the UK's national and international mouthpiece.
You're right. The jibe is water off of a duck's back at this stage but it does smack of sneering and bullying.
Been away with work and missed all of this thread. It has wound me up no end reading through. There is a rag head that needs to role I'm convinced.
The way they sneer and look down on us and think they can bully/mock us is typical of there behaviour. Its always been the same.
I'm getting angrier as I type. I dont have anything to add to the thread as the right people seem to have taken up the fight to the BBC.

Is there any mileage in us all cancelling our TV licence to highlight this? A social media campaign could make it go viral. I have 403 followers on Twitter. A good number are blues and I'm sure if we got the focus we could all do similar and make it go crazy.

Pete doesnt deserve this.

Keep up the fight boys.

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