controversial opinions - off topic version

shadygiz said:
IrishMacca said:
People who have no manners, have a go at gays, who are racist, and those who are hooligans..etc just weren't brought up right, there's nothing funny or smart about them. It is not acceptable in real life, and nobody wants to hear it in a game.
These people. They are in all ways just uneducated thugs who will never get anywhere in the life.

apart from the fundamental flaw in your argument; most hooligans are well paid highly educated professionals who use hooliganism as an escape

And to think most people just get a hobby. They're idiots, and no amounts of education they have, changes that.
terryphelan said:
Lucky Toma said:
'Always been top of my agenda'? Genuinely dont get you mate. What is this 'agenda' you keep referring to?

I think he's referring to your gayness...

Ahhh gotcha. Bless him. He's such a sweetheart. Always speaking in tongues.
I wish he's stop being so coy though and just ask me out. He had me at 'agenda'.
Even in light of the Bloody Sunday report, I don't think ye give ye're soldiers in Afghanistan, enough backing. But hey, they're yere soldiers.
This thread is about opinions and not bean eating wishy washy lesbians who provide fence sitting answers.[/quote]
face sitting lesbians! go on then
Blur were better than Oasis and Damon Albarn is (and always was)a better song writer than Noel Gallager!

Oh and Tony McCaroll was the best Oasis drummer and the band turned to shit as soon as he left!

The Garage Flower era Roses were miles better than the four piece line-up that made it big!

Joy Division were great but Bauhaus were better!
blue_paul said:
You worry about all the vacuous girls being raised my MTV shows like the hills and celebrity culture. Their designer bag is the most precious possesion.

Nazism was a logical conclusion of the jingoistic imperialism of the English and French in the 18th and 19th centuries.

It's disgusting that the Catholic Church is even able to exist in countries like Ireland, Germany and the U.S. after the whirlwind of abuse cases that have come to light in recent times.

Having four Oxbridge educated white males vying for the labour leadership ( along with the token champaigne socialist ethnic minority) shows how out of touch Labour is with it's natural constituency.

along with the token champaigne socialist ethnic minority who was educated at Cambridge!
Skashion said:
terryphelan said:
The British Army did nothing wrong on Bloody Sunday.
They shot white people, how can you say that's not wrong?

Because they were Irish and to people like 'terryphelan' the Irish are as bad as black people and dogs.

Great to see that Bluemoon continues to give vile scum the platform to air their hatred though.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Skashion said:
They shot white people, how can you say that's not wrong?

Because they were Irish and to people like 'terryphelan' the Irish are as bad as black people and dogs.

Great to see that Bluemoon continues to give vile scum the platform to air their hatred though.

Terry Phelan?

You mean the mixed race Irishman??
Bigga said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Because they were Irish and to people like 'terryphelan' the Irish are as bad as black people and dogs.

Great to see that Bluemoon continues to give vile scum the platform to air their hatred though.

Terry Phelan?

You mean the mixed race Irishman??

Lol I'm well aware of the real man's race and nationality.

I'm not here to out other posters, not enough hours in the day. A cursory study of this plebs posts however will reveal the truth.


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