Coping with the terrible twos

My grandson has been staying with me for a few nights whilst my daughters are in Majorca, he's 3 all I can say is the terrible 2's drag on and on. He's wide awake as I type still chattering on
Jesus I never believed in them but our little "angel" has become like the devil child, everything is a fucking drama and tantrums, what the hell are you supposed to do, I feel like punching the bloody wall down in frustration. We seem to go from a happy few hours to screaming wild child.
My gorgeous little 2 year old has just started behaving like father jack! Drink feck (or a toddler equivalent ) throwing her empty milk or toys across the room in a strop.
The only way to deal is to remain calm and in control and be very firm, but at the same time try and listen, 2 year olds often have something very important to them to tell you and they have real problems expressing, when you can understand and if you make an effort it can calm them Down.
Failing that give them a few minutes somewhere safe like their room to work through te emotions and t(and for you to have a quiet talk to yourself) and then go back when you and they are calmer.
It will pass and getting too cross or even worse giving in to their tantrums are the worst things you can do however hard it is not to.
The other thing is when you are out and they do it have tunnel vision and a thick hide. Anyone who gives you a critical look is beneath worrying about and anyone not being critical understands 109%
My little girl turned 7 last week and I must have been lucky, had no problems at all with tantrums or strops - I get sulks but they're quiet and can be welcomed on occasions ;-)

Hardly any teething problems, she's never been really ill - only had 1 day off school in 3 years and that was because they sent her home when she said she felt sick and they wouldn't let her back for 24 hours.

In fact I have been told many times how lucky I've been with my little girl. I doubt she woke up more than 4 or 5 times in the middle of the night wanting to be fed as long as she was on the bottle/breastfed. Had last bottle or feed and went to sleep between 11 and 12. Woke up about 8am! Sometimes had to prod her to make sure she was ok.

She goes to bed at 8 when there's school next day and about 10 at weekend. She usually needs waking on a school day at 7.45 but is up at 7- 7.30 weekends. She has a breakfast bar, a carton of juice and a small chocolate bar or pack of haribos waiting on her desk and that'll keep her quiet in front of her tv til about 9.

So to anyone waiting for the arrival of their first born - keep your fingers crossed you get as lucky as I did ;-)
Three things.
1. You MUST not let them win.
2. If you've exhausted every other carrot/stick/reasoning/arguing/shouting do NOT be ashamed to give them a slap them on the back of the legs (we weren't with ours) - sometimes a short sharp shock which hurts is the only thing that can snap them out of it - all you goody two shoes spouting your softly softly PC stuff can bog right off - it has ALWAYS needed to be there as a last resort

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