Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Regional Scoreboard:

Sadly another bad day for the North West.

Numbers up by more than ever - 547 - over half the entire UK rise! To 1926 - worst total in over a week.

Now more than double every single southern region that were 6 weeks ago thousands more than the NW right now.

London falls to 848, East to 729, South East to 995 and South West to 622.

Put it this way if Boris had announced tiers to come out of lockdown as many favoured when he dd it before - the NW would be in tier 4 and most of the south tier 2 at worst.

This is at a point where it might need addressing by local politicians as I am not convinced this is shifting any time soon.

The NW is now daily getting at least double the cases that Wales, Scotland or N Ireland is as a nation every day.

Yes NW is a big region and cases will never be at the level of - say - the South West or Northern Ireland is because of the population numbers.

But it is without doubt the UK problem child right now and someone locally needs to find a way to change that.
I have considered them.
It’s an unworkable fudge.
It will mean a staggered return from March 8th.
It is completely reliant on parents honestly and competently a£ministering home tests.
Staff are being given no reassurances.
So children, some very young are to be routinely tested even though they might not show symptoms or be ill.. Also all teaching staff and everyone else at the school will be vaccinated... Maybe I’m just not bright enough to see why these kids shouldn’t be put through this ..
Mine are all grown up, otherwise I would refuse to put them through this!!!
I agree the positivity piece is good, but nevertheless, it's the first week on week increase in positives since the peak. I find that rather concerning. I'm probably clutching at straws, but maybe it's increasing false positives from the rollout of lateral flow tests? Mainly I hope it's a blip, or at worst a sign of a reduction in rate rather than a turnaround.

It doesn't augur well for the impact of schools reopening, for sure.
I agree and am particularly concerned as North West is the big driver of the cases right now. So any problems or special measures will be here and all those making plans to live a normal life in here who live in this area please heed that reality.

Numbers are way down down south but are not going well up here.

We need to find out why and act upon it. Or those plans will mean nothing when the rest of the UK is freed. Boris made clear today stricter regional measures may be needed. I know where he was thinking about.

I hope I am over reacting. But as each day goes by and the NW turns from being one fifth of London and is now more than double London you have to think something went right down there but is wrong here that needs addressing.

Possibly the new variants. If so what do we do about it? You may all be moaning if the UK is freed other than the NW but to stop that means sorting out the issues causing it now.

Hopefully we are just behind the curve and things will change this week.
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So children, some very young are to be routinely tested even though they might not show symptoms or be ill.. Also all teaching staff and everyone else at the school will be vaccinated... Maybe I’m just not bright enough to see why these kids shouldn’t be put through this ..
Mine are all grown up, otherwise I would refuse to put them through this!!!
Testing for secondary school pupils not primary (very young)
I have considered them.
It’s an unworkable fudge.
It will mean a staggered return from March 8th.
It is completely reliant on parents honestly and competently a£ministering home tests.
Staff are being given no reassurances.

And Boris essentially delivered a fuck you to all teachers when he was asked in the Commons about them getting a vaccine and passing the buck to a couple of medical bodies.

I am evidence that kids and teachers bring this home with them and pass it through the household.

My lad had three separate periods of 14-day isolations due to outbreaks in his schools bubbles, not including his own positive test before Xmas.

My daughter has had two.

All these within the space of October and December.

As you say, there will be some 'parents' who won't even be truthful with the tests.
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