Idiots, for the miniscule number of deaths "linked" to the AZ vaccine, hundreds are actually dying of the virus.
If it was not so tragic it would be like a scene from Allo Allo.
You must wait for zee vaccine as it is not safe for over 65s.
You must wait for zee vaccine as it is not deemed safer than flying to the moon in a tin bath for under 65s.
You can have it now if you are under 65. It is safe.
You cannot have it if you are under 65 as it is more risky than drinking prosecco on top of a cliff.
But you can have it if you are over 65 as it is safer than dying which you probably will if you don't give it a chance.
Why is nobody turning up to have this vaccine? Come on you people do it or Germany. It is safe. Sort of. Honest.
We have not got enough vaccine. Lets hoard all that vaccine by what is it called - Astra Zeneca.
Oh - that one - is it safe?
How to destroy the one thing that the world needs to go smoothly right now. Confidence in vaccines when there are hundreds out there desperate to put people off having it for ridiculous reasons. Helping their case with constant flip flopping and a contagion as deadly as Covid itself spreading around the globe. Yes with a legitimate reason just about but one that should have been quietly investigated before all this flapping about that has all but killed any chance people will trust it in many nations that desperately need it as it is so cheap.
A catastrophic PR job by politicians who should know better.
Why is nobody asking the obvious question in these countries - if it that dangerous why is there not a big problem in the one place where millions have been having it for months without issue?
It would have been fairly obvious by now - surely - after millions of doses administered to both young and old.