intent might be to ease the panic SWP especially amongst the elderly perhaps naive of me to think that but this commentary is not helpful to carry the debate forward especially if it the prevailing attitude amongst many who should no better.In fact I just checked, joined 2008 but all his posts are about covid. Literally relentless since February last year. Here are a handful (can’t quote them as normal as they’re on closed threads):
“Medical experts think most people went even know they've had it, it can be that mild. Can't believe the scaremongering going on over this, check out how many people died of flu in the US alone on 2018, didn't hear of any flights cancelled or food shortages. 13k died in the UK in 2008 and not a peep. The biggest threat with this are the idiots panicking over something that happens every winter.”
“One positive from all this is that despite Karen confirming she has it, she has maintained a solid presence on the site. With a bad dose of flu you wouldn't even want to look at a phone / computer let alone interact with it. Get well soon Karen.”
“Come on, 80 people (reported) out of 70 million have it! Let's not go to ground just yet.”
“What are you on about? An average of 5 people die on UK roads a day hardly going make any difference at all.”
He’s been entirely wrong and/or underplayed the severity of covid for 14 months. He isn’t going to stop now, not is he likely to post on any other thread either, which is a bit weird.
its a deadly disease it spreads very quickly and is a major health concern throughout the world.
Long covid and its incidence is still in its infancy.
How and where it started must never be overlooked and this also needs time and research if we can learn from it into the future.
No doubt many mistakes have been made in the response even though the vast majority of nations have acted with good intent but it does expose the pros and cons of leaving the response in the hands of the the government of the day.
Politics and ego's do get in the way SWP , I can only speak for the states here in Australia , we should have left the big calls to the experts that advise the Feds.
You might think that 800 deaths in a State the size of Victoria of 6.5m is a fairly good outcome but in truth we would have been far better to leave the decisions that really mattered to NSW or the Feds but State Governments and Sate Health Officers were left to make the big calls and many of them unfortunately were out of their depth or just panicked.