Yes, I'm 46 and have only have used the pill for 3 months in my early 20s then had to stop due to my leg swelling and family history of dvt. Never used it again.
Had to inject myself daily with an anti clotting thing for my entire pregnancy age 41 due to high risk. Am currently waiting for a scan on a lump on back of leg that consultant worried was possible clot ( but 3 was on still no appt so yes I guess they can't have been that worried..).
I am pretty scared of having the Oxford despite being so desperate for the vaccine. I was hoping we'd be on moderna in a week or two but now that's not likely as they will save it all for under 30s.
I got called a few days ago to have it! But had a bad cough so they said to wait til better then ring them. I just don't know what to do. My leg still hurts, my breathing has gone poor the last week and a resting heart rate is 110 instead of 80 to 90. So already worried that lump was a clot that's on it's way to my lungs! Had a covid test 2 days back so I know it's not that.
Nervous. Don't know what to do.
So i talked to my GP on thur and he just talked over me patronisingly and said "it'll be fine / i had it / no one can choose what they have" kind of speech.
I rang the booking line back up on Friday to book (the number that had rung me the week before) and the lady said that there had been a mistake the week before when i was rung by them and that they should not have been ringing the under 50s yet (she said a section of people got the invite that shouldn't have had) (I'm 46, my sister 48).
I almost cried, my sister got given it, i had to refuse due to being ill but the man had assured me i'd still get it the next week.
So she relented, and told me if i didn't take the slot she was giving me for sunday that i would have to wait til May as ***
the under 50s are not getting it until May, and, the Pfizer is being saved for the under 30s and 2nd doses, and the Moderna is being saved too, so even if you wait it will still be the Astra Zenica, so i recommend you take Sunday***".
So despite my fears of risks, i did.
Only to find 48 hours later i could have easily booked the Moderna at the stadium like others on here!
Pretty gutted tbh.
I'm glad to have had a vaccine, i am, but with my risks i just feel i was lied to to get me to take up the AZ. When i went on Sunday there was no queue, i was in and out in 10 min. It's clear no one was turning up for the AZ. When my sister had hers only a week earlier it took an hour.
(57 hours on still got a blinding headache and bad arm pain, with hot flushes) (hoping that all goes off soon)(My lips/mouth went partly numb a few hours after i had it, anyone else had that with the AZ first dose? Went off by the next morning)