Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Everyone seems to be praising the Aussies and Kiwis but “zero covid” seems to be to be a completely impossible medium to long term strategy.

I’m quite involved in the cycling community and I know a number of people in Melbourne whose mental health has gone to shit because of the insanely strict lockdowns over there. Cant go x kilometres from your front door because one person has covid in your whole region etc, when your hobby involves fresh air and exercise, away from other people. There’s few better things for mental and physical health at the moment than riding your bike.

Totally insane and short sighted IMO.

It's a great strategy so longs the end game is a vaccinated population as quickly and efficiently as possible imo.

One without the other doesn't work.
It's a great strategy so longs the end game is a vaccinated population as quickly and efficiently as possible imo.

One without the other doesn't work.

The trouble is that if the public don't perceive any danger, they are less motivated to get the vaccines. I have heard that uptake has been low in Australia due to this.
Just to add to this.... Due to having to study at home, my daughter's (Yr 7) ICT skills improved substantially. She can now produce presentations in PowerPoint (including embedding videos and using animations) and charts in Excel. If she was in school, she would have been designing posters and charts with pencils/felt tipped pins etc. instead.

As you referred to, research skills improved greatly as did her work ethic, which was already good.

Granted, there have been some negatives too, especially on the social side as she barely knew anew anyone in her year at the start of the school term.

I have never come across one of these either face to face or online.

I think you have a fetish about so-called 'lockdown fetishists'. It's genuinely weird. Like shouting at the moon.
Your post liked by a couple of them
Just to add to this.... Due to having to study at home, my daughter's (Yr 7) ICT skills improved substantially. She can now produce presentations in PowerPoint (including embedding videos and using animations) and charts in Excel. If she was in school, she would have been designing posters and charts with pencils/felt tipped pins etc. instead.

As you referred to, research skills improved greatly as did her work ethic, which was already good.

Granted, there have been some negatives too, especially on the social side as she barely knew anew anyone in her year at the start of the school term.

Strangely I've been saying something similar to the year 11's I deal with. I used to work in Apprenticeship recruitment and one of the criticisms I used to hear regularly from employers was that young people come out of school academically sound but without a lot of the skills they need when they get into the workplace. Things like resilience, self-motivation and adaptability. This current crop of school leavers have developed all those skills in abundance this past year or so!
It would appear that the Government will delay opening up for a month.
Massive case numbers in the unvaccinated but...
Although a very cautious thing to do but I'm not sure the hospital numbers justify it - especially as 2/3rds are unvaccinated and only 6% are more than 3 weeks beyond the 2nd.
Deaths just aren't rising very much at all.
People need to get back to their lives. The most vulnerable people have almost all be vaccinated, and so the need to keep people locked up is not there. Frankly I think the scientists at SAGE like this power to dictate public policy. I don't recall anyone voting for them.
Sage don’t dictate policy. They advise and the gov act or don’t act.

And when was the last time you voted for any civil servants? NHS bosses? Fire bosses?
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Yesterday was a significant milestone on the road out of Lockdown.

My octogenarian in-laws from Tunbridge Wells (as bad as that sounds) are visiting us in Sheffield for 14 days (as bad as that sounds). They'd hardly left their house since last March, were reticent about visiting our Covid hot-spot (zero deaths last week) and never used to eat out.

But they just went to a central Sheffield pub on their own, without my guiding them through the Covid palaver, and seem to have survived. Once the gentlefolk start going back to pub diners the economy will pick up apace !
I think the Gov need to offer some incentive to u30's to get their jabs.

A lot of the girls I know round here (North Manchester) are steadfastly refusing, saying they'd rather catch it.

Not even bothered if I mention them not being able to go on holiday.
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