Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Wonder if this spike could be short as sharp as it doesn’t have that many people it can impact? Could possibly turn out to be a positive if deaths don’t ramp up and get us to the end line quicker??
Cases across the regions:

Change in last 24 hrs V seven days ago


East DOWN 18 to 299 V 368 - falling here for a few days

London UP 14 to 962 V 707

South East UP 1 to 586 V 485

South West down 4 to 396 V 154 - up here quite a bit wk to wk.


East down 33 to 351 V 266

West down 117 to 423 V 354

Edging up here too


North East UP 136 to 451 V 239 - one of the fastest rising regions here

Yorkshire down 39 to 700 V 482 - up wk to wk


NORTH WEST down 126 to 2191 V 1752 - Some sign of stability perhaps

Past weeks NW numbers are 1752 - 1605 - 1673 - 1840 - 2112 - 1976 - 2317 - 2191

Equivalent NW numbers a week earlier 781 - 935 - 1038 - 780 - 1158 - 1643 - 1755 - 1752

GM numbers in past week 932 - 827 - 825 - 950 - 1062 - 984 - 1191 - 1098
Full GM details:

Total cases 1098 - down 93 on Yesterday - from NW fall of 126.

Wk to wk up 166 of the NW rise of 439 - also well under the expected 50%.

So GM had another good day again relative to rest of the region.


BOLTON 134 / DOWN 3 / DOWN 37

BURY 68 / DOWN 41 / UP 10

MANCHESTER 252 / DOWN 51 / UP 42


ROCHDALE 92 / UP 18 / UP 38

SALFORD 133 / DOWN 2 / UP 11


TAMESIDE 69 / UP 22 / UP 41

TRAFFORD 68 / DOWN 12 / UP 2

WIGAN 123 / DOWN 3 / UP 34

Just 4 boroughs over 100 today with a lot of falla. Stockport good day as down both day to day and week to week.

Tameside and Rochdale both up on both measures

65 is a pretty high lowest score again though.
Greater Manchester

Weekly total cases:-

Tameside 365, Oldham 411, Trafford 458, Rochdale 459, Bury 505, Stockport 672, Wigan 750, Salford 791, Bolton 868, Manchester 1648.

Manchester now double Bolton and Salford closing in fast to overtake it too.

Only Tameside sub 400 now.

2 or 3 weeks ago Bolton was 20 - 30 times more than most in GM. Big change in past week or so.
GM Weekly Pop Data after today:~

Borough / Pop Today / 7 days ago / up or down wk to wk/ Testing is % of local population who have tested positive for Covid over past year.

As ever with Pop going up is bad, going down good - the higher the number the better or worse depending on direction moving. The Pop is total cases in past week versus 100,000 POPulation to even out the comparison versus size and expected cases based on numbers living there.

Salford 306 / 222 / UP 84 Testing positive 9.7%

Bolton 301 / 325 / DOWN 24 Testing positive 11.0%

Manchester 298 / 208 / UP 90 Testing positive 10.4%

Bury 265 / 180 / UP 85 Testing positive 9.7%

Stockport 229 / 172 / UP 57 Testing positive 7.7%

Wigan 228 / 134 / UP 92 Testing positive 9.4%

Rochdale 206 / 133 / UP 73 Testing positive 10.2 %

Trafford 195 / 139 / UP 56 Testing positive 7.5

Oldham 173 / 87 / UP 86 Testing positive 10.2%

Tameside 161 / 89 / UP 72 Testing positive 8.5

Salford back on top with Manchester looking likely to overtake Bolton imminentky too.

As you see everyone else going up and Stockport fell today and looking more stable.

But Tameside on 161 is the best and a long time since that was true in GM.
Given the data and lag the peak of this wave has probably already hit the areas it spread to from Bolton etc…
Then comes the backward step to delay unlocking.
The lockdown fetishists will be loving this.
I do agree, but I wouldn’t worry about school being missed too much.

Before 1988 there was no National Curriculum and schools just taught what they thought was best, with some schools teaching curriculums vastly or even wholly different to other schools. People were starting Level 3 and Further courses having been taught barely any or none of the course they were entering, and while that’s not preferable it’s not the end of the world. I did an A-level (Sport) that I didn’t do at GCSE, and it was my best A-level grade; and in my third year at uni I picked up some units in a subject (Business) that I’d not done at GCSE nor A-level and they were my best grades at uni.

Of course, I’m not saying don’t worry at all because there will certainly be an impact, but the emphasis on how much impact that missing school-time will have has been exaggerated a bit … and that’s coming from an Exams Officer!

We noticed that our Year 11 and 13s came back from lockdowns with a greater work ethic than we’d seen from previous year groups and that will do them good for their future. I work at a school that’s not been out of the top 10% most deprived catchment schools in the country in the dozen years I’ve worked there and we’ve never seen so many kids appreciate their education as much as we have in the last 18 months. It might be a bit of a wake up call (that was needed!) for the nation when it comes to education.

Also, it will have taught them ways to research, revise and learn independently that they may never have been afforded at school, which will do some good for those who take on degrees and higher. Unis sometimes find children who were home schooled have better research and independent study skills than those who attended school, and research and independent study are Kings at degree and higher levels.

So there are some positives to take.

I think the greatest impact will be on the youngest school age groups. Those just starting to learn to read; but they have years to catch up to where they need to be. It’ll just take some tweaking on how they’re taught.

Just to add to this.... Due to having to study at home, my daughter's (Yr 7) ICT skills improved substantially. She can now produce presentations in PowerPoint (including embedding videos and using animations) and charts in Excel. If she was in school, she would have been designing posters and charts with pencils/felt tipped pins etc. instead.

As you referred to, research skills improved greatly as did her work ethic, which was already good.

Granted, there have been some negatives too, especially on the social side as she barely knew anew anyone in her year at the start of the school term.

Given the data and lag the peak of this wave has probably already hit the areas it spread to from Bolton etc…
Then comes the backward step to delay unlocking.
The lockdown fetishists will be loving this.

I have never come across one of these either face to face or online.

I think you have a fetish about so-called 'lockdown fetishists'. It's genuinely weird. Like shouting at the moon.
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Latest Vaccine Update by Population Percentage for 10 GM boroughs

Borough/ First Dose / Both Doses - TODAY V YESTERDAY

BOLTON 73.6% / 50.8 % V 73.2% / 50.1%

BURY 73.4% / 52.8% V 72.8% / 52.3%

MANCHESTER 53.9% / 31.8% V 53.2% / 31.4%

OLDHAM 68.0% / 48.7% V 67.7% / 48.1%

ROCHDALE 70.8% / 47.8% V 70.6% / 46.9%

SALFORD 60.1 % / 41. 3 % V 59.7% / 41.0%

STOCKPORT 77.2% / 55.8% V 76.4% / 55.4%

TAMESIDE 72.3% / 51.5 % V 71.6% / 50.4%

TRAFFORD 74.1% / 52.6% V 73.8% / 52.2%

WIGAN 75.6% / 54.9% V 75.4% / 54.5%

Are they just delaying/denying the inevitable and waiting for the rest of the world to eradicate the virus?

Everyone seems to be praising the Aussies and Kiwis but “zero covid” seems to be to be a completely impossible medium to long term strategy.

I’m quite involved in the cycling community and I know a number of people in Melbourne whose mental health has gone to shit because of the insanely strict lockdowns over there. Cant go x kilometres from your front door because one person has covid in your whole region etc, when your hobby involves fresh air and exercise, away from other people. There’s few better things for mental and physical health at the moment than riding your bike.

Totally insane and short sighted IMO.
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