When the data suggests the NHS and ICU units will not be overwhelmed- at the moment we’re on track but it’s still a waiting game.
In the meantime , we need as many people jabbed and hopefully more preventative measures against Covid and we can get back to norm fully. As long we can not overwhelm the NHS.
My guess at the moments is all restrictions lifted 19th July - but possibly a very mild lockdown later in the year. Pure guesswork.
do take note that it’s an actual Pandemic and millions have lost there lives to this virus. Of course, people’s mental health and livelihoods are equally as important- but it’s the mother of all balancing acts and there’s no easy fix.
For the most part of that I do agree, but alcohol and smoking effect millions of lives across the world to. As I said for my ills I'm a smoker and a drinker, so I take my risks.
But if the risks are that great that 1 will get you in the end, then it's surly a similar argument
But you know as well as I do the tax and wealth created of alcohol and cigarettes is far far to big to give up.
If I'm honest I'm just getting a little pissed of at the moment and ranting I suppose, but it's the younger 1s I'm feeling sorry for in all this to, not been able to experience life the way me you and everyone else 30 plus did,
I just think this must be the end game now with the vaccines.
Surly the end of the road has been reached?
P. S.,, just done a quick google,
Total taxes through smoking raised 9.26 billion in taxes.
Smoking is estimated to cost the NHS 5 billion
Alcohol raised 12 billion in taxes.
Cost to the NHS 3.5 billion
Just saying