Coronavirus (2021) thread

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That's not what's happening though. Majority of people in the country have had two vaccines, many a third and that number is increasing by a huge number every day. We have LFT's at disposal, we have vaccine passports, we have masks, we are doing a lot - not nothing.

If the NHS is in such a state, its up to respective governments to sort it out without punishing people who are doing everything asked of them. If they can't do that then they are not fit for purpose. Otherwise, this could be a winter occurance every single year.
Nearly a third of those eligible aren’t double jabbed.
Tomorrow’s Mail are reporting the government have reduced isolation from 10 days to 7 days.
Anyway, I'm off to Bill Bailey tomorrow, then City boxing day and a couple of other high risk activities in too including a sports event tonight, where I'm off now.

Was very sensible last fortnight as we had my mum's 80th at the weekend and didn't want to kill her.

I don't object if these events are stopped by government to protect society as a whole but I'm buggered if I see why sensible people should stay at home whilst the reckless get their fun, which is the implication of current policy.

So (triple jabbed) should be a fun week if I survive it without infection.
If you’re mum has had the booster why were you worried about not wanting to “kill her”?
going to a concert or a football match is not “high risk”. It increases the chance of catching covid but, if you’ve had your booster it is very very very low risk. Give the hyperbolic language a rest.
Call it whatever you want.
You can call them horoscopes if you like as that would match the accuracy of their data models.

It really wouldn’t, it’s just that the vast majority of the public don’t read or know all the models or realise the worst case is never ever something they suggest is likely to happen.

I imagine the modellers are as pissed off as everyone else is.
It really wouldn’t, it’s just that the vast majority of the public don’t read or know all the models or realise the worst case is never ever something they suggest is likely to happen.

I imagine the modellers are as pissed off as everyone else is.

Why do they lobby the government for more restrictions based on their worst case that is never going to happen then?
Why do they lobby the government for more restrictions based on their worst case that is never going to happen then?

They don’t. That people think they do is worrying in itself in terms of the motives of those suggesting that’s what might be happening (Nelson in the spectator being a good example)

This thread explains it pretty well, all the supporting data is still on the gov website too so you can see where the modelling ended up for previous waves either under or at their worst case at times.

For omicron, their modelling for low immune escape and high booster efficacy is looking the more likely, wouldn’t be surprised to see that revised down further though (I say in hope currently, but increasingly confident).
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