Coronavirus (2021) thread

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When he made that remark (allegedly) the general opinion (on here) was that he was putting the economy ahead of people. Now the general opinion is that lock downs are bad and should be avoided. Hmmmm......
Well yeah, when he originally made the remark, there was no vaccine and there were no anti-virals and covid had a CFR of around 3%.

No we do have vaccines, we do have anti-vitals and we have a variant that has a CFR of around 0.16% (South African data) and an expected IFR of 0.016% (8 times less lethal than Flu).

So yes, things change.
They don’t. That people think they do is worrying in itself in terms of the motives of those suggesting that’s what might be happening (Nelson in the spectator being a good example)

This thread explains it pretty well, all the supporting data is still on the gov website too so you can see where the modelling ended up for previous waves either under or at their worst case at times.

For omicron, their modelling for low immune escape and high booster efficacy is looking the more likely, wouldn’t be surprised to see that revised down further though (I say in hope currently, but increasingly confident).

They do and they do it all the time. Thet can't help themselves like the narcissists they are.

There are countless articles and interviews from Sage members lobbying for lockdowns throught out the pandemic.
here's just 3 but I can go on for ages with different Dr's and Professors of Sage on TV, radio, newspapers. All of them lobbying for lockdowns and restrictions or delaying reopenings. All of them basing it off their own worst case very unlikely scenario

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