Coronavirus (2021) thread

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So here are two questions:

1. Should the non vaccinated have the same priority as vaccinated people admitted to hospital?

2. Should we lock down due to the unvaccinated being hospitalised in vast numbers (currently 80% of hospitalised Covid cases in London) or should they be advised to isolate themselves for a month to avoid the possibility of hospitalisation?
1. Will never happen so not worth discussing.

2. No we shouldn’t lock down, the stupid fuckers don’t want the jabs let them go out and make themselves ill.
While he or I can’t speak for everyone of course, personal experience and what’s being reported by many others seem to back this up.

When I caught it in January, it wasn’t enough to put me in hospital but it was enough to keep me in bed for a couple of days and being too fatigued to do anything apart from go to the toilet. Oh, I also had the trots for a bit too. This time round it’s literally no more than a runny nose, a bit of sneezing, and feeling a bit phlegmy first thing in the morning. No fever, no fatigue, not even a headache to speak of. Those are all things I had first time round. From what Rammy has said, he’s been broadly similar compared to when he caught Delta in the summer. Of course, it might not just be solely Omicron that’s responsible for these milder symptoms that I, Rammy, and many others are presenting with. Previous infection and me being triple jabbed (although my booster was only last Wednesday so it wouldn’t have fully kicked in) may well be playing a part too. And no doubt that even if it gets proven beyond all doubt that it’s a lot milder, some will still sadly succumb to it.

Sure, I get that there is personal experience of it being milder, but that's exactly what you'd expect from people who have more immune history than with previous infections. It doesn't necessarily tell you anything about the intrinsic properties of the virus. I'm not at all saying it isn't milder (emerging evidence is I think positive on that), but personal tales on blue moon, whilst interesting, aren't convincing of the whole population.

Also, there's the survivor effect

there are those who are optimistic and race to find things on Twitter that reinforce their view and post here

equally there are the more pessimistic posters who have a view and find things on Twitter to reinforce their view.

it was the same with brexit .

Personally, I don't think optimistic and pessimistic are the dividing lines.

Evidence based vs preconceptions are more telling.

So the US Army has developed its own Vaccine, that they claim is a universal vaccine for all variants. Currently in phase 1 trials.

The Antivaxxers are going to have a meltdown over this one.

So the US Army has developed its own Vaccine, that they claim is a universal vaccine for all variants. Currently in phase 1 trials.

The Antivaxxers are going to have a meltdown over this one.
Sounds like the opening gambit in a Stephen King novel. What could possibly go wrong?
What a truly embarrassing post. I mean i'm not trying to tell people anything about this virus, about how to behave just to listen to the experts and yet you post that. Absolutely cringe worthy.

Again what are you in favour of? listening to people on social media over the experts?

Genuine question. If the posters models that you are telling everyone to ignore turn out to be right, will you come and apologise and change your blinkered view?
1. Will never happen so not worth discussing.

2. No we shouldn’t lock down, the stupid fuckers don’t want the jabs let them go out and make themselves ill.
We won't be locking down. But any lockdown any restrictions put in place are not there to protect the unvaccinated. They are there to protect the NHS and those of us needing the NHS from the unnaccinated and others. Because as you rightly say point 1 not treating the unvaccinated will never happen.
Omicron has arrived in Wales in big numbers and they have had a record number today.

Cases have doubled week to week to a new one day high of 4662 cases and a positivity of 26.1% - also a single day record.

Now you know why they imposed new restrictions yesterday.
Because it’s too late to have any effect whatsoever and the cases will be peaking before those restrictions can do anything? Still, it’ll allow ’the never heard of before covid first minister‘ to pretend that his actions achieved something.
Fining people for going to work, rule of six (I’d love to see the peer reviewed paper for that gem), face masks mandatory, indoor events limited to 30 (with outdoor at only 50)? Nightclubs being shut (you’ve not been able to get into one Since early October with a covid pass and a fat lot of good that has done).

They‘re absolutely drunk with power and I hope that isn't forgotten at election time.
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