Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Indeed. So it’s hard to untangle whether it’s COVID19 or the throat infection that’s making me run down (if that’s feasible?).
Throat/sinus infections have plagued me for years. I have thus slightly off kilter ear canal which opens me up to ear infections (can never have the car window open when driving).
Used to occur once every couple of years (since a kid) and end up with my ear drum bursting...the pain and and general malaise was unbearable.
Why I have tinnitus in that ear.

How long did you have the symptoms for btw? Recovered now?

Yeah I've always been susceptible to throat infections too. Always got tonsillitis a couple of times a year up until my early twenties and it's usually how most winter illnesses manifest in me now. Antibiotics was always able to treat that (as it was a bacterial infection where you can see lots of white spots in your throat.) With covid though, it's a viral infection, so I'm guessing your throat looks all red and swollen rather than white and spotty? (if you google you can find pictures that show the difference).

I had a fever and felt really crappy for the first two days and then after that, it was mainly just the throat infection that was causing me problems. But it was so painful it's hard to eat and sleep so I felt really knackered from it. The throat was bad for about 6 days and then it was a week of fatigue after that.

I wouldn't be surprised if your covid is causing you fatigue. I know a couple of teachers whose only symptom was fatigue. They wouldn't have even got tested if it weren't for their job. It seems to do that to a lot of people.

Fortunately though, I've had no long lasting effects after that.
PM Questions confirmed they are going to 24 hour vaccine centres as soon as possible.

And plan to be doing 2 million a week by February.

I heard that - quite a change from the press sec earlier.

Of course "as soon as possible" is reliant on the provision of the vaccine, which he admitted himself was the bottleneck.
Pure speculation, and not consistent with known facts, which suggest the difference is small.

The vast majority of vulnerable people in both countries have never been infected.

At a very rough guess, 80% of the UK highly vulnerable are still at risk, having never been infected; 95% of those in Germany.
The point is the hugely vulnerable are more likely to die when they catch it as they are so frail.
Yes you have better drug outcomes now but even so the effects are plain to anyone working in ICU.
When we get the next quarterly ICU clinicians report (some point soon - the last was October ) we should be able to identify this factor.
Nicola Sturgeon calls the situation in Scotland 'very precarious' and warns of tighter restrictions likely.

She reports vaccinations now at 191, 965 as of last night.

Up from 175, 942 yesterday.
Should be at home getting pissed, fuck the dogs and fuck your walking, if your dog dies of not walking it’s better than someone’s granny, your liver will recover from the excess alcohol. I’d tazer walkers, runners, cyclists
Quite ironic this because ive been for a couple of runs over the last week or 2 and having seen the state of me during them it looks as though ive already been tasered!!!
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