Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Had a letter asking me to take part in antibody test survey this morning. It’s clear that it’s to show how many may have had COVID, I presume if you have tested positive it will ask for details during the registration so they also get data on how long antibodies last?
The one I had was from the University of London in conjunction with the NHS, got a test kit in the post, consists of taking your blood with a small lancet and placing a drop on a small piece of plastic and then applying a solution to the kit. It then gives a reading to indicate if you have the antibodies, it's very similar looking to a pregnancy test kit. There is also a quite lengthy on line questionnaire to complete.

Wales only did 10, 135 vaccinations yesterday. They are not doing well in this at all.

Total so far over past month is 101, 374 with 108 having two doses.
The regional Pop Score table is showing the fast rising problems of the North West.

In this 5 day old data closing in on the southern regions and heading with the West Midlands fort the leaders of this wave. As the southern regions fall.

In the 5 days since this consolidated data used for these things the pattern has not changed as my regional scoreboard noted last night - the NW was above some southern regions and closing in on even London.
REGIONAL WEEKLY POP SCORE TABLE FOR ENGLAND (Cases per 100,000 population - high is bad, rising is bad, low and falling good - the bigger the % rise the worse - and higher the % fall best)

REGION // POP SCORE (as of 7 Jan) // POP SCORE 7 days before // INCREASE // % UP/DOWN

LONDON 1005 // 999 // Up 6 // Up 0.6%

EAST 741 /// 742 // Down 1 // Down 0.1%

SOUTH EAST 679 // 664 // Up 15 // Up 2.3%

WEST MIDLANDS 619 // 445 // Up 174 // Up 39%

NORTH WEST 607 // 394 // Up 213 // Up 54%

EAST MIDLANDS 453 // 372 // Up 81 // Up 22%

NORTH EAST 417 // 375 // Up 42 // Up 11%

SOUTH WEST 385 // 301 // Up 84 // Up 28%

YORKSHIRE 323 // 266 // Up 57 // Up 22%

Not hard to see that the trend is up and NW is the one going up the most and fastest and Yorkshire still keeping low whilst inching up. Meanwhile the heavily infected southern regions still top but noticeably slowing or starting to fall. A trend that has accelerated in the next 5 days data.
Scotland data:

79 deaths (up from 68 last Wednesday.)

1949 cases (down from 2039 cases last Wednesday.

Positivity rate today 10,2% v 10.5% last Wednesday.

Patients still rising fast - up 77 to 1794.

Ventilated 134 - up 1 in 24 hours.

Nicola Sturgeon noted that 1005 have gone into hospital in past 7 days. A record.

Cases down and positivity down - not quite as bad as ayrshire blue had indicated
For reference to compare to that regional table on the same measures used BUT as of last night (as I calculate this using day to day not 5 day old information) -

Manchester has highest GM Pop right now at 503. Bolton the lowest at 401.

The North West Weekly Pop average at 607 is well above due to the very high Pops in Merseyside and East Lancashire. Some over 1000.

A full list of GM Weel;y Pops was put in this forum last night if you want to heck your borough.
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