Coronavirus (2021) thread

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I think another point about the sad number of deaths is that Whitty and Vallance were never the clowns they were made out to be in some quarters of social media etc.
On here whitty gets stick but he is always spot on for me , the numbers today are going to be horrific

Just been for my test , huge tent empty and they said thank you for coming for a test , they want people to get tested , i arranged mine this morning for this afternoon
Sometimes it perhaps is wise not to know what is coming as when you do there lies the path to madness.
We simply have to keep pressure on Boris. He's comfortable with this as long as the debate dies down. He'll disappear as long as possible.

I look out of my window today, the third day in an unpleasant and unexplained relapse, and the traffic could hardly be heavier. There is not enough adherance. The laws are unclear and impracticable to enforce.

There's one v8 car that has driven flat out around my area for days, heard dozens of times a day. How are the police meant to enforce stay at home, how would they identity anyone, when millions are on the road at once?

No-one even said stop unneccessary travel this time. A cynical view is that it is useful revenue for the exchequer, I suppose. And yet, every car journey is a potential trip to A&E.
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I'm slightly baffled as to where all these people are going. There are no shops except supermarkets open as far as I'm aware. No hairdressers, no pubs, no restaurants. No schools except for emergency workers kids, no holiday locations or flying allowed even if you could find a country that will let you in and no sporting events.
Very true. Incidentally one of the worst games we played post lockdown in the league was against Bournemouth even though we won. We had Stones and Otamendi as our CB's who you'd think would be best dealing with long balls.
However, for one they couldn't play it out from the back as Bournemouth was high pressing well. They could only back to Ederson who was forced to hit it long causing us to lose possession.

Consequently Bournemouth went long every time and put 3 or 4 big forwards up top which we couldn't deal with. We had Gundogan as the #6 in that game along our CB's who were constantly put under pressure in the air. Maybe people don't think much of it, but having ball playing CB's is a big deal. They help keep possession, start the attack and limit the amount of actions in your own half. Of course they need to be able to defend, but playing out from the back is just as essential.

I'm slightly baffled as to where all these people are going. There are no shops except supermarkets open as far as I'm aware. No hairdressers, no pubs, no restaurants. No schools except for emergency workers kids, no holiday locations or flying allowed even if you could find a country that will let you in and no sporting events.
Lots of places still open I work in a motor factor that is busy still garages busy plenty of shops open saying they are essential
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