Coronavirus (2021) thread

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So from the three nations without England that is a total of 3335 cases v 4649 last week. Earlier weeks not meaningful due to holiday reporting. But that is a hopeful drop.

And deaths other than out of hospital for England total 704 v 573 last week. With low weekend registering of out of hospital we will likely stay below 1000 today but that will not be meaningful if we do as likely would be close to it otherwise.
More on 631 England hospital deaths today.

Of those 42 from the NW there were 12 from Manchester and 8 from Stockport hospital boards - both highest daily numbers I have seen there in a while.

That matches up with the way these are the two worst performing boroughs for infections in GM over past week or so.
England 631 hospital deaths: 3 wks v 2 wks v last wk v Today: Total / NW total / NW % of England total

231 / 29 NW / 13%

386 / 45 NW / 12%

508 / 39 NW / 8%

631 / 42 NW / 7% Today.

Hard to judge from weekends with usual low NW reporting - but that steady fall is still a trend down.
Could be but I’ve never had it before don’t know why it would suddenly start
I started with inner ear problems out of the blue about 20 years ago, I was referred to a consultant who didn't prescribe meds but a series of manipulative neck exercises to re-balance the crystals in the inner ear. They worked surprisingly well and while I still occasionally get the odd flare-up the neck exercises keep it in check.
Just read on Sky News that a person is currently being admitted to hospital with COVID19 every 30 seconds here in the UK.

Then read another article entitled ‘Some restrictions will be gone by spring’.

Can’t see it myself.
England 631 hospital deaths. More details.

By region: 154 London. 121 East, 111 Midlands, 103 South East, 66 NE & Yorkshire, 42 North West. 34 South West.

By age range:

20 - 39 (3) 0.5%

40 - 59 (45) 7.1%

60 - 79 (232) 36.8%

80 + (351) 55.6%
Sorry to hear you going through it mate.

Strong Codeine Linctus will help with the coughing fits. It's horrible stuff and will make you feel a little spaced out, but it does have an impact.

Wish I could tell you when coughing stops, but now almost a month for me, everyone is different.

Just don't do any strenuous exercise (whatsoever) even if you start to feel up to it - it will remind you very quickly that your lungs needs a sustained holiday.

I did find some short temporary relief sleeping on my front to try and help my lungs, but anybody with serious coughing will tell you that it becomes too uncomfortable after ten minutes or so.

Get a soluble Vit C and Zinc multivitamin tablet in you each morning, dose between paracetamol and ibuprofen, keep speaking to your GP if you bring up any blood in coughing, which I did, even if just to put your mind at rest.

And keep resting, loads of it. I intend to take the entire month off. I'd not had a day off work or a holiday for a couple of years and my immune system was clearly wanting to tap me on the shoulder and let me know I was running on empty.

Best wishes.
Blimey mate.
That’s some trawl but I’m not surprised. Seems like a very similar set of symptoms.
I couldn’t get out of my bed till midday when just about managed to crawl to the living room.
I could barely eat breakfast & the tea was insipid. Nodded off within ten mins woken by a relative phoning me.

Feels like lead coursing through my veins rather than oxygen. Sick feeling and try my best not to start a coughing fit. Migraine on top of everything else too.

As Kaz said, it’s a tad unusual being sick due to coughing so violently but this is what happens.

The flat is driving me mad too but the ex dropped supplies off earlier.
Saw a runner from the window and that seems a universe away.
The lethargy is unreal.

I’d only been in the job a week and already taken four days off. It’s a job I’m lucky to have and it’s taken a lot of work to get there (one of the benefits of the lockdown was the focus) so I understandably feel guilty about that. What do I do though?

Hope you start to mend up soon mate. We’re alive at least and some major positives are on the horizon.
Take care.
The placebo used in the Oxford trial was actually a real vaccine for a different bug (I forget which one).

I vaguely recall reading, alternatively, that the reason was
(1) so people on the placebo actually got some benefit
(2) So the likely reactions were more similar than if saline was used, so participants couldn't guess which arm they were on.

Not sure what the reality was, I'd guess (2)

if I recall it was the meningitis vaccine and it was used as has similar reactions when being taken.
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