Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Day 10 since symptoms first appeared and thankfully just left with some fatigue and complete loss of taste/smell, and a certain amount of anxiety from a mental point of view. Cough has waned as time went on and fever only lasted a couple of days near the beginning, even that was settled with some paracetamol. Confined myself to the room until Saturday, keeping out the way of the wife and 4 year old. Made it downstairs the past couple of days whilst still keeping a distance from them and touching as little as possible throughout the house.

Tomorrow, I get to give my little un a hug. Can't bloody wait.
Glad you are getting through it ok mate.
Day 10 since symptoms first appeared and thankfully just left with some fatigue and complete loss of taste/smell, and a certain amount of anxiety from a mental point of view. Cough has waned as time went on and fever only lasted a couple of days near the beginning, even that was settled with some paracetamol. Confined myself to the room until Saturday, keeping out the way of the wife and 4 year old. Made it downstairs the past couple of days whilst still keeping a distance from them and touching as little as possible throughout the house.

Tomorrow, I get to give my little un a hug. Can't bloody wait.
Good news mate. Really chuffed for you and yours.
Thanks all.
no better this morning but I’ve pulled myself out of bed so I get brome kind of routine (good advice @tolmie's hairdoo )

I have one position where the coughs stop (lying on my left) if I switch then the coughing frenzy erupts. Sat upright/forward if possible helps.
I’m so cold I can’t face a bloody shower...I’m looking like Ian Beale Vagabond era.
These weird waves of skin chills too...almost like the nerves have been frozen.

stay safe everyone.
Best wishes to you pal for a speedy recovery.
I don't think you can extrapolate anything from country totals in Israel or Russia to the the UK.

Russia has hardly vaccinated anyone, <1% of the population according to ourworldindata; even if you believe the unpublished efficacy of their vaccine, it's far too soon to see any impact on cases or deaths from the vaccine, will be months away at least.

Israel has gone into a hard lockdown for the last ten days (it's currently one of the few countries in the world to have a worse caseload than us) so any reduction from vaccination is impossible to disentangle from that, except perhaps by age breakdown.
Agreed. Though those early signs are promising they are not yet probative.

We are keeping a close eye on the age distribution of the deaths reported daily with the England hospital deaths.

As far too often true the data the goverrnment release is not fit for purpose. As with no test numbers so no positivity numbers over the weekend a bit like saying we will tell you how many people died yesterday but you will have to wait until next week to see how many had Covid. On a Covid data base.

Also here with 20 year age bands on the deaths when there is a HUGE difference between them even in 5 year bands from 50 upward. And especially from 60 upward. So we are hamfisted by only knowing how many died in the 30 - 59, 60 - 79 and over 80 age bands each day.

The England hospital deaths are by far the biggest UK number every day so we can judge even small changes over a period with the right data. But these bands are extremely limited to do that so I hope they are actually monitoring it more narrowly. Though if they are why not publish it. They KNOW the age of every person who died. As they tell the media specific ages of those who died and with underlying conditions. So it is another example of data control not data release which makes me very unwilling to believe half of what we are told.

Anyway we work with what little we have (there are old figures on a narrower age band but these are weeks behind so not much help).

IF there is a marked change in the protection of the most impacted - the over 80s - that will likely first show in that percentage falling and the 60 - 79s and to a lesser degree the 40 to 59s forming a larger proportion of daily deaths.

Right now they are still much as they always have been - 55% over 80. 35% 60 -79 and 9% or so 30 - 59

But if the lower ages start rising and the over 80s start falling over a period - not just a one off day - then THAT will be significant.

No sign as yet but it is early to expect that given the numbers and the time lag involved. If we are still saying the same thing in 4 weeks time I might be concerned.
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Of course, as I say I don't think there's anything completely conclusive yet from anything I've read. All I'm saying is, as per your original post, I don't think data is saying that immunity will not last longer than 5 months is all.
That study is twenty five patients only and the other 58

On this morning today, about sixty mins in, there is a professor asked about immunity and she says the five months is from the trials and all we have at present , not to say it wont last longer but we dont know

I have been clear all along that no dr will tell you that you are immune because we just dont know , they would be sued if you got it again, there is so much we still dont know

I know people want answers but you cant insert your own , science will tell us eventually
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