Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Russia new cases have been falling for a week. Last couple of days Israel has shown sharp falls. Too early to say whether this is some kind of weekend reporting effect or a sustained fall. If Israel's new cases fall again tomorrow then that should mean we should now start to see some downward pressure on our new cases too.

Israel and Russia started vaccination campaigns around the same time as we did. Russia vaccinated younger age groups whilst Israel has vaccinated a lot more people.
I don't think you can really believe anything coming out of Russia numbers wise.
If people are only making essential trips how come we get a five mile queue on motorways each morning? At the start of the lockdown we could cycle onto the A58 from a side road at Littleborough and not a vehicle within 100 or 400 metres either way. You could cycle straight onto the road, without looking if you were that way inclined, and it was completely safe - neither sight nor sound of traffic. Not now. People, I think, have decided that their trip is essential.
Russia new cases have been falling for a week. Last couple of days Israel has shown sharp falls. Too early to say whether this is some kind of weekend reporting effect or a sustained fall. If Israel's new cases fall again tomorrow then that should mean we should now start to see some downward pressure on our new cases too.

Israel and Russia started vaccination campaigns around the same time as we did. Russia vaccinated younger age groups whilst Israel has vaccinated a lot more people.

I don't think you can extrapolate anything from country totals in Israel or Russia to the the UK.

Russia has hardly vaccinated anyone, <1% of the population according to ourworldindata; even if you believe the unpublished efficacy of their vaccine, it's far too soon to see any impact on cases or deaths from the vaccine, will be months away at least.

Israel has gone into a hard lockdown for the last ten days (it's currently one of the few countries in the world to have a worse caseload than us) so any reduction from vaccination is impossible to disentangle from that, except perhaps by age breakdown.
If this wave matches the spring 2020 wave, we can expect a ca. 3 month tail in critical care admissions for covid, from whenever the peak comes (signs are it is happening now). However, this does not take into account the ever increasing rate of vaccination and/or antibodies
NB covid hospital admissions are about 20% higher than the spring peak, critical care admissions lower. Could be the lower median age of those catching it and/or the treatment experience.

Actual total in critical care approaching spring peak;

Some demographics of those deemed critically ill, mean age is UP this time around;
Another interesting stat (not shown here) is that only 20% of critical care covid patients have a BMI <25 (i.e. not classed overweight)


all in here;

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Thanks all.
no better this morning but I’ve pulled myself out of bed so I get brome kind of routine (good advice @tolmie's hairdoo )

I have one position where the coughs stop (lying on my left) if I switch then the coughing frenzy erupts. Sat upright/forward if possible helps.
I’m so cold I can’t face a bloody shower...I’m looking like Ian Beale Vagabond era.
These weird waves of skin chills too...almost like the nerves have been frozen.

stay safe everyone.
If people are only making essential trips how come we get a five mile queue on motorways each morning? At the start of the lockdown we could cycle onto the A58 from a side road at Littleborough and not a vehicle within 100 or 400 metres either way. You could cycle straight onto the road, without looking if you were that way inclined, and it was completely safe - neither sight nor sound of traffic. Not now. People, I think, have decided that their trip is essential.
I do quite a lot of motorway miles and it's disturbing how many multi occupied cars are on the road. I can't believe all these people are key workers or making essential journeys.
Thanks all.
no better this morning but I’ve pulled myself out of bed so I get brome kind of routine (good advice @tolmie's hairdoo )

I have one position where the coughs stop (lying on my left) if I switch then the coughing frenzy erupts. Sat upright/forward if possible helps.
I’m so cold I can’t face a bloody shower...I’m looking like Ian Beale Vagabond era.
These weird waves of skin chills too...almost like the nerves have been frozen.

stay safe everyone.
I only had shivers for a couple of days but I'm yet to hear of a consistent set of symptoms. Keep hydrated and plenty of paracetamols, try and have some soup, eggs or whatever is easiest to digest if you have some kind of appetite. My symptoms lasted 16 days but my mate got over his after about a week so it's hard to say how long you will feel ill. When you get better you will at least have 5 months immunity, hopefully that will get you to the vaccine stage. A Professor on the radio last week said immunity from the vaccine is much better than the immunity from having Covid so take it as soon as offered, good luck.
It really is mate.
Never one to underestimate this but I’ve been surprised how much it’s hammered me....very rare I get ill given I eat healthy
, run/exercise daily etc.

has there been a link between viral loads & severity of the illness ?
“A third reason may relate to the number of infectious viral particles to which people are exposed at the point of infection (the “inoculum”). Although human challenge trials for SARS-CoV-2 are in early stages of development, studies of influenza A virus in humans have shown that initial exposure to a lower inoculum results in fewer and shorter symptoms as well as lower likelihood of viral shedding.89 This parallels animal experiments for influenza and for other viral diseases,10 and more recently for SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamsters11 and ferrets,12 in which inoculum size correlated with severity of ensuing disease. Viral load in patients with covid-19 has been shown to be greater in those with more severe illness.13

This is where ‘Hands>Face>Space’ really does make a difference.
I only had shivers for a couple of days but I'm yet to hear of a consistent set of symptoms. Keep hydrated and plenty of paracetamols, try and have some soup, eggs or whatever is easiest to digest if you have some kind of appetite. My symptoms lasted 16 days but my mate got over his after about a week so it's hard to say how long you will feel ill. When you get better you will at least have 5 months immunity, hopefully that will get you to the vaccine stage. A Professor on the radio last week said immunity from the vaccine is much better than the immunity from having Covid so take it as soon as offered, good luck.
Thanks mate.
Was indeed thinking I’ve at least 5 months immunity by which time I should be in a position for the jab.
Couid do with never getting this heart goes out to the older and/vulnerable members of society fighting this. Hell.
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