My eldest, ten, caught it again last week despite only having it back in mid October. Almost twelve weeks to the day, like the thing was planning it all along. She caught it at school, another child who she sits near went off with it a few days before.
No symptoms yet again, but she's passed it to my wife who is now rotten with it. Meanwhile I and our youngest keep testing negative, so my MD is actively encouraging me to get back into the office pronto. Yet we both have sore throats, runny noses and for me, persistent headaches.
The fact that I may still have it but not yet be shedding the virus, or indeed have a different virus all together, doesn't seem to matter to work though, nor does the fact that the school runs, childcare post 3.30 and caring for my isolating wife (she ain't allowed in the kitchen at the best of times!) all fall on me completely in the short term. Previously it was the complete opposite, do what you need to do etc..
It's the bloody inconvenience of it all now more than anything, and I guess that shows also in employers being less understanding as time goes on. Yet that probably is contributing to extending this phase of it.