The clear winner of The Covid Doomsday Award goes to The Guardian:
The main headline just before Christmas was 'Scientists Predict 6000 Covid Deaths Daily'. The article went on to refer to this number of deaths each day with no detail as to how it was arrived at and no caveats about why this might not actually be the outcome.
What that actually referred to was a model produced by UCL in which the worst predicted outcome was that (the model itself was ridiculously pessimistic). I assume that worst case scenario was based on Omicron being far more transmissible than Delta (which it is of course), being as severe or worse (which it isn't), vaccines providing no protection whatsoever (they are very effective) and hospitals being completely overwhelmed, with carts rumbling through the streets picking up the dead as with the Black Death.
A lot of this is blatantly political so truth and objectivity goes out of the window.