Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

A law suit based on what? The rules of the competition says after each club as played each other twice the club with the most points are crowned winners. So Mr Lfc barrister did each club play each other twice? No your honour Case dismissed

A lawsuit because they are victims in all this. Not the old people dying, the loss to the economy and the disruption to our lives. Fuck all that - the Dippers have waited 30 years and whether they’ve won it fair and square is irrelevant.
BREAKING NEWS - meeting of "vested" interests underway at FA HQ:

It actually fair if PL look through Dippers remaining games schedule, find 2 clubs where none have the corona virus, and schedule let Dippers play those 2 clubs behind close door. And IF Dippers win it. Then go ahead give them the trophy. No complaint from me.

As bonkers as that sounds I did say something similar the other day, even if it means Liverpool playing twice in 48 hours , they will try and find two teams that the dippers can play and of course beat ( VAR )

it wouldn't happen but would we be surprised if it did ?
Yes it is bollocks

Answer this. Why do you want to make an exception for the dippers and no one else?

You demand the FA allow them to play two more "selected" games

You are a WUM my friend
Was spewing enough shit to begin with but The Guardian being a "Legit source of news" was the icing on the cake....
You can't just say the table and league positions stand as they are now, teams with games in hand losing out on European places and relegation, unless the season is finished it has to be declared null and void !
Well as a City fan who still hasnt forgiven them for the coach attack ( and never will )I hope with all my heart that City vote against this. If City vote to 'GIVE' to the dippers the title that could see me give up football.

Remember City this is a club that attack our players and staff coach. A club that had been head hunting our staff. A club that has been hacking our IT systems. A club that is behind the two year 'ban' from champions league. A club that has been help gain a ridiculous lead by VAR to protect them when they run out of steam at the business end of the season.

Edit.... A club that was behind the hatred and booing of Sterling..

So City please vote no and tell other clubs what liverpool have been up to. Any other club I might think "yea give it them they are so far clear " but not the dippers .
I’m total agreement, wouldn’t give that lot the steam off my piss. You cannot realistically give them a cup they haven’t earned. You can’t feel sorry for them as it just doesn’t work that way. Mathematically we could still win it. So if city bend over like we did with all the hacking and trying to get us in shit with ffp then we may as well shut up shop and take that two year ban.
This season VAR has made everything sterile and boring. You may as well just decide on computer using fucking algorithms and not even bother having matches, pre determine who wins the league with the fucking bbc score predictor.

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