Coronavirus: Football Discussion Thread

So all the cheating, diving, hand outs by VAR and horrible tw*ts like Robertson getting away with murder week in week out looks like it's all coming home to roost..

They say what goes around comes around.

The season cannot be finished now as many teams are going to be under strength if and when the go ahead is given in April ..

Also, what's to stop teams in danger of relegation or pushing for a top 4 place playing not fully fit players to try and get a result, thus risking the players health further..

The season needs to end now and all results expunged from the records..

No relegation and no promotion..

The Premier League trophy for 2019/20 should be engraved with a smiley face, winking with it's tongue sticking out..!

It should then remain the property of the existing Champions until such time it's won by others by fair means..!
So, if we win the title 2020-21 then we have won three consecutive titles?...:)
I bet most players and managers of rival teams, unlike fans, think L'pool should get the title. 25 points clear hasn't been done before so although I can't stand the dippers I think the league has to give them the trophy.
With a big fat asterisk engraved on it!
Actually if it was city in this position, no we wouldn’t want it, but we’d be forced to accept that it was void,

first we’d be furious but then it’d go down to “typical fucking city” and we’d laugh about it.

With the bin dippers we’ll never hear the fucking end of it

All true so I hope they get given it. Can’t stand the thought of all the whinging.
I don't want them to win neither, I don't want them to win as long as I'm still breathing.
But Telegraph is a legit source of news, they rarely write anything that don't have sources. I believe PL will give Dippers the trophy.
If not, I can see Liverpool will file a lawsue against PL.
what the hell are you talking about? The telegraph are one of the least connected and are pushing the give it to the dippers agenda
IF PL decide to give Dippers the trophy, the reality is there not a thing fans can do about it, including those who hate the cnuts like myself.

If there not a thing we as fans can do about it (PL hand Dippers the trophy), at least let it be fair. They have 2 games left that if they win those 2 remaining games, they max out of the points, that it, their title.
I just want to see they win 2 more games, at least PL can say to the futbal world that they not bias on Dippers.

Now if they just cancel season whatever, but then claim Dippers are 22 points ahead and give them the title, without even letting us see if they would win their 2 remaining games or not. I be super arse about it.

I dunno, I guess I just want a closure you know, like to make sure that Dippers win their remaining 2 games.

The best scenario is let the PL resume when this virus thing calm down. City win all their remaining games. ...... Dippers lost few games then draw 5 games. Leaving them 1 point behind from getting the trophy like last year. Haha, just as long as they don't get the six pts needed to win.
Anyhoo that won't happen but one can dream.
haha you lot are funny
Well they can’t just give it them , if the say the table stands finished as it is they’d have to relegate the bottom 3 now , bet they’re sat around working out some bullshit to give it to them ...all this shit from var we’ve had to put up with & it still didn’t work .

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