Costa offends their customers

And fuck me sideways, I’m fucking bang on in that^ post, because I’ve only got to Page 2 of this thread and already all of the following has been posted;

‘Snowflake right wing’
‘Gammon shouty bastards’
‘GB News’
Daily Gammon Mail

There are a lot of intelligent posters on this forum but by fuck are some of you lot incredibly gullible and easily led?

Stop falling for it! No, honestly, stop falling for it!

Next time something comes up like this in the News (it’s usually about three times a week), take a step back, think about who’s come up with it and why, don’t fucking fall for it, and move on…

The more we ignore this shit, the quicker it’ll be left in the past as we look back and laugh at the WUM era of marketing and society where everyone fell for their silly little games to divide us all.
You are right of course.

The story doesn't offend me at all. I know why these kinds of stories are perpetuated by certain media outlets, and that is to sow division, which in turn generates internet traffic (revenue).

My comment was based on a potential source for the story, the 'gammon' bit was a nod to who these kind of stories are usually aimed at. It's not a story I would ever have clicked on or interacted with in any way other than to comment on here.
By saying that you’re falling for it and walking right into the trap just as much as they are. The image has enticed the ‘snowflake right wing’ to have a moan, their comments enticed the ‘woke social liberals’ to moan about the ‘snowflake right wing’.

BOSH… divisions into two opposing camps.

They want us squabbling between ourselves about it because it keeps us all divided. ‘Woke’ this ‘snowflake’ that, ‘left wing’, ‘right wing’, ‘gammons’, ‘us’, ‘them’… arguments and thus divisions.

Most of these businesses, marketing companies, media stations, politicians, celebrities or even the general public are not doing any of this for any good or moral reason; they’re all just doing it to stir arguments and cause divisions.

Don’t fucking fall for it!

I get this and I’ve often pointed out it’s all for views/clicks/shares etc - total money spinner for these channels.

However, it’s good to criticise the thick and ignorant who do believe these stories and get all worked up.
I’m confused of Eccles.

At the moment I wake up every morning. Does that make me a woke person?

All answers, on the back of a sealed envelope, if you haven’t got a post card, to
Eccles Blue
3 Eccles View House
Eccles Blue Village
Treble City
People must get a buzz about being offended by everything. It’s like a competition to see who can be the most hurt by something. Sad twats.
Just googled the menu at this place, pretty big rip off.

"The plus point is that the Costa Coffee menu prices are budget-friendly than its competitors. Everyone can afford to go to Costa Coffee without looking into their pockets."

Yeah right £4:10 for a fucking Latte or Cappucino - Daylight robbery, at least Dick fucking Turpin had the decency to wear a mask !

Columbian cartel in action in plain sight ;)

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