Costa offends their customers

the best way to deal with offended people is not to care and say as such. You're offended? good for you doesnt mean i have to care, if you choose to be offended thats your choice, as ricky gervais says how arrogant do you have to be to go through life thinking nothing should offend you
There's a lot of guff in here.

What this does is portray a double mastectomy not for what it is, breast amputation, a medical procedure usually performed because of breast cancer, but as fun sounding "top surgery", a liberating lifestyle choice in pursuit of one's gender identity.

That's why it's so insidious.


Bizarrely there are many instances of Costa Coffee throwing women out their shops for breast feeding!

But then there's no end to bizarre when you're captured by the gender cult.

If you believe a healthy young person having a double mastectomy should be celebrated, have at it, but don't gaslight the rest of us.

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Trying to normalise dying your hair blue and chopping your tits off as ok,a celebration of mental health problems and that’s ok these days ! I really do fear for our children
What's also new (or at least new on such a wide scale) is the performative offence. People actively looking for things to be offended by, and sharing it with other people who think the same as them to show their own morality. It used to be largely the domain of religious people. Nowadays it's the domain of everyone from BTS fans to vegans to racists to people angry that Jamie Oliver put fish in a paella.

Oliver put Fish in a Paella?

There's a lot of guff in here.

What this does is portray a double mastectomy not for what it is, breast amputation, a medical procedure usually performed because of breast cancer, but as fun sounding "top surgery", a liberating lifestyle choice in pursuit of one's gender identity.

That's why it's so insidious.


Bizarrely there are many instances of Costa Coffee throwing women out their shops for breast feeding!

But then there's no end to bizarre when you're captured by the gender cult.

If you believe a healthy young person having a double mastectomy should be celebrated, have at it, but don't gaslight the rest of us.

Honest question - this is an elective procedure which people get for a whole range of reasons - so how do you pretend to know the reasons anybody gets one? Maybe this person got one as a preventative measure to avoid breast cancer, something which many (e.g. Angelina Jolie) are doing. If you’re identifying as a man then it seems like you might as well, if it comes with additional health benefits it’s a total win win.

If the pros and cons of this procedure have been discussed and weighed up at length with a medical professional then what business is it of yours what people do with their bodies? Are we going to stop people getting cosmetic procedures too? Many of which are many times more flippant and harmful than this one.

I just don’t get why people care so much what others do with their lives.

We get it, you think being trans is a mental illness. Even if it that were true I don’t see the argument here - it just sounds like boomer pearl clutching at young people doing things differently.
Honest question - this is an elective procedure which people get for a whole range of reasons - so how do you pretend to know the reasons anybody gets one?

I don't need to pretend in this instance, I know what this image portrays.

This image is taken from a mural designed by Costa Coffee for Brighton and Hove Pride last year.
Since when did being “offended” become such a big thing. It feels like this is the worse thing you can do to anyone these days. Worse than a punch to the face. What even is offended.. I don’t agree with you and I’m unhappy. Yes that’s life, people disagree on stuff, get over yourself.

I was at work the other day and a few people disagreed over an issue. Instead of it just being agree to disagree, someone pulls out the old “I’m offended” / I feel “victimised” and you can just feel the atmosphere change. Suddenly people fear a complaint or disciplinary procedure. It’s pure manipulation.
That's why I could never work in an environment other than one which allows two blokes to smash each other in the face to settle a disagreement.

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