Could we learn from another sport regarding atmosphere?

College football and basketball is where the atmosphere is, pro sports not so much outside a few teams like Seattle Seahwaks and Sounders who try to break records.

NY teams are notorious for having away fans cheering louder than the home team.

I read on here that some are opposed to the PA announcer trying to force atmosphere and that's usually how the atmosphere is generated in college sports outside of rivalry games.

I'm sure y'all would hate to hear goals, cards and substitutions announced with corporate sponsorships attached like my university does. Could you imagine " that was an Etihad Airways goal scored by Sergio Aguero!!!!!!" Being screamed by an announcer? That's what it's like over here.

That atmosphere in Europe is miles beyond better than here in American sports.
Instant_Offense said:
Memphinho said:
I've been a city fan since I was about 16 from here in the states and am now well out of university. That being said, the sport I hold the most allegiance to is college football, which usually is said to have much better atmosphere than any NFL game. The noise levels in Death Valley in Baton Rouge, LA can be absolutely deafening and my college's noise level is just unreal without any real organized chanting. That being said, our stadium here holds 102k, much more than almost every PL ground, but atmosphere is mostly just a spontaneous happening. In the states, crowds respond very well to prompts from the stadium announcer, which doesn't happen at all in the UK. That's a huge factor along with the fact that the stop-start of American football allows for the stadium to get enormously loud when plays happen, not for 45 continuous minutes. Personally, I prefer the coordinated songs.

Based on your user name and preferred team's stadium capacity I presume you are u UT fan?

Different sides of the state. But as someone who lived in Knoxville for a little while, UT games register on the Richter scale, literally. But that stadium holds nearly 110,000 i think so it's hard to compare the two.

Personally would much prefer the coordinated songs to the things they do at NFL stadiums... the stadium organ and the "charge" chants are a little cheesy to me. Thought this was an interesting article about it earlier this summer:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -grown-ups</a>

MIAMI -- The absence of an audio assault takes longer to notice than you'd expect. Somewhere between soccer mega star Cristiano Ronaldo's first goal, a vintage Barry Zito curveball over a lineup of Chelsea defenders on a free kick, and his second, a sprinting header through three men, the lack of the usual volley of volume by the stadium's sound operator dawns on me.

Gone are the drum-beat prompts that attempt to start a "defense" chant. Likewise, the synthesized horns that signal fans to yell "charge" are nowhere to be found. The music supervisor for Sun Life Stadium has mercifully left the Jock Jams playlist at home and a prerecorded team theme song has yet to be played during the match. No announcer shrieked a soccer version of "Another [insert your team here] first down!" after every positive outcome for either team.

In place of all these things are actual cheers. Unsolicited, unabashed, unscheduled cheers. Whistles and chants and claps and legitimate "oohs" and "aahs" and boos and rowdy taunts are heard when, and only when, the on-field play deserves it. It's entirely organic and completely refreshing. It's a major sporting event that treats adults like adults. It's fandom without training wheels.

And maybe that's exactly why soccer's window of opportunity in America appears to be opening -- it is inherently free of so many of the most popular annoyances hoisted upon us by the owners of our favorite sports.

"Dude, this TV timeout is taking FOREVER," is a phrase uttered by nobody at Sun Life Stadium during the finals of the Guinness International Champions Cup because there weren't any.

"How many timeouts is this coach going to call? Just play the damn game!" is a complaint shouted by zero people.

"This instant replay review is longer than Man of Steel. We all know it's a first down. Let's go!" was not thought by a single fan in the stadium.

"If the manager changes pitchers again, or visits the mound for a conference call longer than my dentist appointment, I'm going to let Cliff Lee throw a fastball into my groin just to see an actual pitch," is a feeling that nobody watching Chelsea versus Real Madrid had.

"These last two minutes feel like two years." "How many fouls is Joey Crawford going to call?" "Two time outs to freeze the kicker? Two?!" "If David Ortiz steps out of the batter's box to spit on his hands one more time I'm putting my head through the TV!" The list of complaints that have become commonplace in the American sports landscape are endless.

Soccer, just maybe, offers salvation. At least that's what many in the sports entertainment world are counting on.

If you haven't heard, NBC Universal recently signed a three-year deal with the English Premier League worth around $250 million. They're going to broadcast nearly 400 soccer games across their networks during the league's 10-month season. Here at home, Major League Soccer just announced plans to expand to four more cities by the year 2020, giving the league 24 teams. As for the coveted Millennial generation's interest in the sport, you need only to look at the crowded soccer fields in your home town every weekend or EA Sports' FIFA soccer franchise, which was a top 10 selling video game in 2012.

Yes, it has been declared that the carcass of American soccer fans has had a pulse before, but to the casual sports fan, there have never been so many out-in-the-open displays of soccer love, both from fans and corporations. It also helps that the U.S. men's national team is on an unprecedented winning streak going into its final World Cup qualifiers, rendering the usual anti-soccer fan retort of "we suck at soccer" almost moot. We even have our own somewhat global stars in Landon Donovan and the recently-returned-to-MLS-from-the-EPL, Clint Dempsey.

Is now really, finally, truly the time for soccer's rise in the States?

Approaching Sun Life Stadium before the semifinals and finals of the Championship Cup feels nearly identical to the dozens of times I've made the same walk for Miami Dolphins games or Miami Hurricanes games. People are grilling, people are wearing jerseys and people are kicking (rather than throwing) a ball around. Admittedly, there are enough languages being spoken and nationalities being represented to make it feel like the United Nations is hosting a tailgate, but the pre-game buildup for fans is almost exactly the same, with an equal level of fanaticism on display.

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So many AC Milan fans are sporting mohawks or bro-hawks or faux-hawks that you'd think a Mr. T tribute band was playing inside (sadly, this wasn't the case, as the mohawks were mostly in honor of Milan's Mario Balotelli). Then there are the flags, unfurling as far as the eye can see.

Chelsea. AC Milan. LA Galaxy. Real Madrid. Everton. The flags are everywhere, waving and flapping and spurring chants among random fans carrying the same flag. The overall atmosphere has a whiff of big-time college football with a dash of Olympic spirit. It's a passion any sports fan would recognize, and frankly, there is no doubt far more buzz in the air for these games than your average Dolphins vs. Bills game, a fact that I'm sure wasn't lost on Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, the man responsible for bringing the final round of the cup to Miami.

Then again, it doesn't hurt having world-famous Cristiano Ronaldo scheduled to play instead of Dolphins QB Ryan Tannehill, who could probably order a pound of turkey at a Publix Deli in Fort Lauderdale without so much as a head nod from the meat slicer.

In the end, it's all about the product on the field, and when the product is good, as it is with La Liga, the European powerhouses and an increasing number of MLS franchises, fans will come. Of course, using what amounts to an international all-star game in one of America's most diverse cities as a barometer has its drawbacks, but it is a decent way to see what can happen if soccer in general, and the MLS in particular, can cultivate a rabid American fan base.

On the flip side, the NFL, NBA, MLB and many of the non-original six NHL teams are quietly struggling to fill their seats, despite having far and away the best athletes in their respective sports playing every night. The reasons for this cover so many topics you'd need a string theory to tie them together, from the amazing at-home viewing experiences, to the high ticket prices, to the insane food and beer prices, to the economy in general, crappy teams, parking problems, traffic, no star power on a team, hatred for an owner and on and on ...

So while the "fan experience" has no doubt improved from a bells and whistles standpoint at all the new stadiums being built, the fact that fewer fans want to go to the games is a bit of a buzz kill. Whether it's the Dallas Cowboys' 11,500 square foot high definition Jumbotron or putting a pool behind an outfield wall so you can watch a no-hitter on a wet noodle, owners of the big three sports in the United States are increasingly feeling that they need way more than just the product on the field to keep fans coming back.

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Soccer's approach in the United States, from bringing in the best teams to events like the International Champions Cup to making a concerted effort to lure more international stars to the MLS, appears to be the opposite: improve the quality of play available to US viewers at all costs. If soccer can manage to avoid the pitfalls that have stunted attendance in other sports, and keep its eye on the ball by not messing with the actual play on the field, then the sky is the limit. This means maintaining reasonable ticket prices, and making the game itself the focus of the activity in person, while keeping it to a reasonable length with minimal stoppages for the at-home viewer,

This potential is why 65,000 people showed up to watch Cristiano Ronaldo in person. That's why the Seattle Sounders spent $9 million on the rights to Clint Dempsey. That's why NBC spent a quarter of a billion dollars for the rights to air the EPL. There is simply no substitute for viewing the best in the world do what they do best.

Unfortunately, the owners of the big three American sports teams have let too many factors not integral to the sport get in the way of the game, and rather than be forced to sit through the endless TV delays and side shows and Kiss Cams and T-shirt cannons and decibel drubbings at the hands of stadium operators intent on having a Jay-Z concert and a circus seem to break out every time the play is stopped, fans are choosing to stay home. There they can control their own experience and simply change the channel to another game or show, without the hassle and expense of going to the event in person.

Perhaps, into this void, a sport will emerge as the last American past time where fans can still go to a game to simply watch the game, and where adults aren't subjected to an onslaught of stadium instructions on how to cheer and when and what to say. Perhaps that sport will be soccer. Perhaps that time is now.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

Not sure if this is the correct topic to post this in but I couldn't find a more fitting safe standing one, but this article says 12 of 20 teams supporters groups have backed a trial of safe standing. I've read on here that a lot of people liked the idea of safe standing so I'm just curious as to whether we've said no or just opted not to respond to any speculation?
Puppet Master Silva said:

Not sure if this is the correct topic to post this in but I couldn't find a more fitting safe standing one, but this article says 12 of 20 teams supporters groups have backed a trial of safe standing. I've read on here that a lot of people liked the idea of safe standing so I'm just curious as to whether we've said no or just opted not to respond to any speculation?

City have already come out publicly saying they support it. Problem is, the government utterly refuses to allow a trial to be carried out - from the perspective of the politicians, if SS were given a test and was accepted, and then a fatal accident **somehow** ever happened again, the politico who rubber-stamped the law change would be lynched and then probably hung by the scrotum from Big Ben for callous disregard for human lives. Thus, they are simply unwilling to let it happen.

Anyway, I'm more up for trying out stuff like capos at City than most people here, but I think that the OP is missing a major factor here: other sports tend to see far more goals/"points" scored than in football, so the feeling of tension, or of the momentousness of a goal being scored is not the same. If football saw 20 goals a game, fans would quickly learn to stop getting so up-tight about witnessing every moment in case they missed the vital moment, and would just enjoy the game more. After all, if you know that you're going to score a dozen times, it's not so important if you miss one of them, and also in games with high scores you rapidly get a feeling for who is going to win, rather than having a constant risk of the weaker team snatching it at the death as can happen in single-goal games.

But this will never happen in football - in spite of how we may joke about how many goals we score at home. Even if we score 10 every game from now to the end of the season, no-one will seriously expect it to become the norm for all of football for the next 30 years, so fans will still want to witness every goal. Thus, when we get nervous about the results of games, the natural instinct will continue to be to stay quiet as you bite your nails and hope for the first goal. Admittedly there are more factors, hence why some games are louder than others, but I honestly think that to get the old Maine Road atmosphere back we'd need to either A - stop competing for trophies, leading to fans being more willing to get so drunk that they don't remember the game, and also more willing to stop caring (at the time) about how well City are playing or B - the fans to become willing to accept some kind of capo-style leadership from the terraces. I simply can't see genuine atmosphere happening again without one of these two.
Falastur said:
Puppet Master Silva said:

Not sure if this is the correct topic to post this in but I couldn't find a more fitting safe standing one, but this article says 12 of 20 teams supporters groups have backed a trial of safe standing. I've read on here that a lot of people liked the idea of safe standing so I'm just curious as to whether we've said no or just opted not to respond to any speculation?

City have already come out publicly saying they support it. Problem is, the government utterly refuses to allow a trial to be carried out - from the perspective of the politicians, if SS were given a test and was accepted, and then a fatal accident **somehow** ever happened again, the politico who rubber-stamped the law change would be lynched and then probably hung by the scrotum from Big Ben for callous disregard for human lives. Thus, they are simply unwilling to let it happen.

Anyway, I'm more up for trying out stuff like capos and ultras
at City than most people here, but I think that the OP is missing a major factor here: other sports tend to see far more goals/"points" scored than in football, so the feeling of tension, or of the momentousness of a goal being scored is not the same. If football saw 20 goals a game, fans would quickly learn to stop getting so up-tight about witnessing every moment in case they missed the vital moment, and would just enjoy the game more. After all, if you know that you're going to score a dozen times, it's not so important if you miss one of them, and also in games with high scores you rapidly get a feeling for who is going to win, rather than having a constant risk of the weaker team snatching it at the death as can happen in single-goal games.

But this will never happen in football - in spite of how we may joke about how many goals we score at home. Even if we score 10 every game from now to the end of the season, no-one will seriously expect it to become the norm for all of football for the next 30 years, so fans will still want to witness every goal. Thus, when we get nervous about the results of games, the natural instinct will continue to be to stay quiet as you bite your nails and hope for the first goal. Admittedly there are more factors, hence why some games are louder than others, but I honestly think that to get the old Maine Road atmosphere back we'd need to either A - stop competing for trophies, leading to fans being more willing to get so drunk that they don't remember the game, and also more willing to stop caring (at the time) about how well City are playing or B - the fans to become willing to accept some kind of capo-style leadership from the terraces. I simply can't see genuine atmosphere happening again without one of these two.
The constant whooooing and lifting the no 1 finger is so annoying to watch and listen to and typically occurs in American sports. I would probably turn to another sport if that ever became the norm in the premier league.
corky1970 said:
Not gonna read cos it's far too long but I'm going to call you a **** anyway for it being far too long


I don't think football should be more like American football in terms of atmosphere, for a number of reasons.

Hope that's better ;)
The Seattle Seahawks have some of these loudest fans. Its crazy. If City can do that when the opposition touches he ball then watch out

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