Could we learn from another sport regarding atmosphere?

Having lived in the UK, US, and on the continent and having attended big live events in all places, my take on "atmosphere" is that it seems to be the best at football matches in Europe.

I think the political issues precluding any adoption of safe standing (as well as cultural differences between UK and, say German fans) would keep us from ever having anything like the atmosphere seen in the Bundesliga. Just an older, more affluent crowd in general in the EPL.

Not trying to slag the US (where I now live and enjoy myself tremendously), but the atmosphere at pro sports events is basically mindless screaming prompted by some deejay spinning the same 15 "stadium ready" song clips. "Blitzkrieg Bop" played roughly 50,000 times in 15 venues every NFL weekend and whatnot. Uh, no thanks.

College sports in the US have some commonality with European football as far as atmosphere. Particularly where you have a big and active student section. But that sort of circles back to "EPL crowd tends to be older/more affluent."

Ah, FUCK IT! We are what we are! Who's playing up front against Fulham today?
Can I just ask - not that I think it's not true, I just want to ask - why does everyone think that safe standing will instantly restore the atmosphere? Is it simply a matter of "always standing up + more fans packed in = everyone starts singing" ? I'm not immediately sure otherwise what about SS would actually generate more noise.

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