Could you join the armed forces?

I couldn't now, my fitness has gone well downhill!! would probably fail the medical!!
Nope, and I was once really enthusiastic about doing so.
Nothing to do with health, strength or fitness either. I simply didn't have 'it', that courage to press forward to do something dangerous, knowing it was dangerous, yet still overcoming it. Closest I ever came was an open weekend for the Paras. That was enough for me to admit to myself "I could never live this lifestyle day in day out".
Nope, and I was once really enthusiastic about doing so.
Nothing to do with health, strength or fitness either. I simply didn't have 'it', that courage to press forward to do something dangerous, knowing it was dangerous, yet still overcoming it. Closest I ever came was an open weekend for the Paras. That was enough for me to admit to myself "I could never live this lifestyle day in day out".

My position was that of necessity really, it was 1978 and the country was very much in the toilet and jobs were a bit thin on the ground so I enlisted. Whilst some of my friends went to university I wasn't afforded that luxury because my Mum couldn't afford to pay for Uni digs hell I couldn't even go to sixth form because the rent wouldn't pay itself. Joining up and paying her back so her life could be made slightly easier was a no brainer.
Fortunately I didn't have to join a regiment that did all the heavy lifting it was a technical regiment with reasonably good pay but I was very young and because of my limited options it was my best course of action. Bravery and courage didn't come into it believe me I was and still am as scared as the next person when it comes to the violence of life, one thing it did teach me was to despise bullies of any ilk which stays with me to this day.
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Only if they were looking for a strategic genius, General level. All the running about under fire can go fuck itself.

I see myself like the WW1 General's. Thirty miles from the front, drinking Chatau Palmer and waxing an outrageous moustache, whilst recounting how I was sent down from Oxford, for that unfortunate incident with the Salvation Army ladies.

If that's what they need, I'm ready.

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