Unless you teach; then it's fine to closely interact with 300+ kids and, indirectly, with 600 parents.The detail is being put across badly
Basically everyone stay away from everyone
Deaths up to 53, quite a jump.
I saw that after that question, he wrote a note to himself. Maybe no one had mentioned it before aPeople will be protected financially. Without one inkling of how. Like a political debate this, barely any definitive answers.
Be stern and strong. Enforce closures and don’t ask. We need leadership and guidance.
Almost as funny as the government advice to avoid all non essential contact landing within minutes of this riposte...?It's quite funny watching in real time how someone can read an article from a nobody - an app designer - and decide that it's more trust worthy than the Chief Medical officer and Chief Scientific Officer & SAGE - the Scientific Advice Group for Emergencies.
The message was clear enough bar what a conditions are in the serious health issue list. (The flu jab list on NHS website covers many people)
The rest was obvious and easy to uderstand, though people will ignore the pub advice unless forced
Par for the fucking course there thenWill be interesting to see what my employer makes of "non essential" contact. As of when I left tonight they were just dithering (and that's a government department!).
We had two off today but pupil-wise, very ,mixed, one class had 8 pupils absent, others none. I can tell you 95% of our Polish parents have made the decision themselves and won't be sending their children in. Since this started we have had one email from the Local Authority. We don't know if we're still legally liable for the welfare of the children if the school closes - we're not in the holidays but this is completely unchartered territory. We've drawn up a list of our most vulnerable pupils (those on child protection plans; those with severe medical needs) and we may have senior staff checking on them but, again, does that go against the gov.advice? There are some very, very vulnerable kids/families and we cannot let them slip through the net on this. We also have 73% on Free School Meals. No information on what happens there. The idea that folk will stay away from pubs/clubs is fanciful. It needs putting in law. This isn't the time to prevaricate; it's time for decisive action.My daughters school 3 teachers are self isolating they’ll be no one to teach them soon