COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Keep reading about how GP surgeries (including one in Cheetham Hill yesterday) are being closed down because people with flu like symptoms are walking in, why would you do that how fucking selfish would you have to be?
Keep reading about how GP surgeries (including one in Cheetham Hill yesterday) are being closed down because people with flu like symptoms are walking in, why would you do that how fucking selfish would you have to be?

One thing that the Dr Campbell videos pointed out is that for people that haven't had flu before wont know its flu and genuinely feel that something is seriously wrong and that they are dying ( his words )
UK news BBC doing there annual NHS hospitals not coping with NORMAL winter pressures. Talking about a guy who had a heart attack waiting hours for an ambulance as none available then 12hrs+ waiting on a trolley in hospital.

This is what will cause the problems add in even an extra 0.5% of the population with this and our hospitals will be completely overwhelmed.
If it kicks off here, we're fkd.
One thing that the Dr Campbell videos pointed out is that for people that haven't had flu before wont know its flu and genuinely feel that something is seriously wrong and that they are dying ( his words )

Fucking idiots
Keep reading about how GP surgeries (including one in Cheetham Hill yesterday) are being closed down because people with flu like symptoms are walking in, why would you do that how fucking selfish would you have to be?
I'd say it's stupidity or ignorance more than selfishness. That said, there needs to be much more awareness spread about what people should do if they show symptoms. It should be plastered all over social media, with everyone receiving reminders by text.
UK news BBC doing there annual NHS hospitals not coping with NORMAL winter pressures. Talking about a guy who had a heart attack waiting hours for an ambulance as none available then 12hrs+ waiting on a trolley in hospital.

This is what will cause the problems add in even an extra 0.5% of the population with this and our hospitals will be completely overwhelmed.
If it kicks off here, we're fkd.

They just need to turn people away with this thing. If I catch it, I’ll be at home locked away, wanking and posting drivel on here (not at the same time).
I'd say it's stupidity or ignorance more than selfishness. That said, there needs to be much more awareness spread about what people should do if they show symptoms. It should be plastered all over social media, with everyone receiving reminders by text.
I've heard loads of times on the tv/news/radio last week saying people should self isolate and ring them regardless of if they are showing symptoms or not, and besides people should surely already know you dont go to the doctors/a&e with normal flu nevermind suspected covid-19? I'd just love to know what these people were thinking if they've genuinely not been paying attention or they just dont care.
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