COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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It really is a strange one, I have been trying to follow the Governments advice and i only leave the house to go to and from work, shop once or twice a week and to walk the dog for an hour each day.

While i am out with the dog i ensure that i am keeping as far away from anyone else as i can, i am fortunate that we have a woods and plenty of open fields very close to where i live. As such i can keep plenty of distance from anyone else, I have to say that everyone i came across today also kept their distance as well. However when i see the sheer numbers of people out on the road or walking it does make me think the restrictions need to be harsher.

On the other hand if we can get through lock down without being heavily restricted from home it has to be good, I think the Government still like the principle of heard immunity and as such have come up with this type of half way house approach.

Government have closed every sporting event, concerts , bars, pubs, shopping centres - they’ve ordered Police to fine groups of people.
They are begging people to keep a safe distance and advising us constantly to stay indoors.

it would be a strange approach to any form of herd immunity
Don't forget that these videos are able to sensationalize things somewhat, they can specifically target and make it seem a lot worse than it is.

I think also what has to be understood is that they film groups of people together BUT if they all live in the same household they are OK to go out together for exercise - they need to stay clear of people not from their house hold.
I have seen a few of those now,they are desperately doing what they can knowing 7 front line staff have died including the two nurses in their 30's,each with three kids i think
Ffs staying at home is nothing,everyone just do it
People just don't like being told what to do. If it was just them that suffered the consequences so be it but there is a bigger picture that any compassionate person would surely appreciate
Government have closed every sporting event, concerts , bars, pubs, shopping centres - they’ve ordered Police to fine groups of people.
They are begging people to keep a safe distance and advising us constantly to stay indoors.

it would be a strange approach to any form of herd immunity

Yeah, i appreciate that but look at Spain and Italy who have gone into a true lock down. We could have done the same but chose not to, it just seems very odd to me.
There's a lovely lass on my street who lives with her elderly mum. She is an NHS physiotherapist - her training was as a nurse and so she volunteered to go back to the front line. She is now working on the Covid-19 wards in James Cook hospital and staying elsewhere so as not to bring anything home to her mum. All I can say is I am proud to know her and hope she stays safe and there needs to be so many changes post the virus.

5 bus workers have died in London.... who even values public transport let alone those who work in it?

For me I'd get the likes of Branson and Green in the high street with a sweeping brush on minimum wage - who is key now eh?
Let's hope society learns some valuable lessons after all this
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