COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I do think we need to be careful about these alleged ‘crimes’ and the range of powers we are happy to give to the police. Breaking up parties or groups of people is one thing but a lot of the other stuff seems a bit over zealous. For example, the Northampton chief constable is talking about going through peoples shopping to check they’ve only bought ‘essentials’ whatever they are. Presumably they’ll then confiscate what they don’t think is essential, with no refund and no right of appeal?
5 forces have now got forms to report people on line who, according to the reporter, are ‘flouting the rules’.
It’s very easy to give power to the state and its institutions but often more difficult to take them back and we might just need to be careful what we wish for..
You have presumed wrong. I can assure with absolute guaranteed certainty that police will not be confiscating any items from shopojng bags as you describe. You have made a leap to far in thinking that. They cant and they wont. Honestly.
Maybe people are going to the shops before they close for the BH??

Mrs is Hef is on the way to get a click and collect order

There was almost the same amount of traffic you'd see on a normal day when I was out earlier. It was far busier today than I'd seen since the lockdown had started.

Also most essential shops like supermarkets should still be open on Good Friday anyway.
You have presumed wrong. I can assure with absolute guaranteed certainty that police will not be confiscating any items from shopping bags as you describe. You have made a leap too far in thinking that. They cant and they wont. Honestly. Also, you are right to punctuate the phrase alleged crimes as you have. Breaches of this new emergency law are not recordabke crimes and will not be recorded on a persons offending record. They will not show up on any convictions checks or affect any future vetting or disclosure checks. There is nothing to be concerned about there and no need to panic about a police state
Although not going out much, when I have been this week the roads are definitely getting busier.

From the back of my house I can now hear the hum of traffic again from Oldham bypass, Broadway and/or the M60.
There was almost the same amount of traffic you'd see on a normal day when I was out earlier. It was far busier today than I'd seen since the lockdown had started.

Also most essential shops like supermarkets should still be open on Good Friday anyway.

I went out last Monday and it was dead but then went out on the Friday and it was noticeably busier - I think I wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt but it seems misplaced
To be fair, I missed the exchange about public sector workers getting a pay cut. On the face of it, that sounds unreasonable. I say on the face of it, but if they are refuse collectors, then perhaps it is not so stupid. Depends on the circumstances I guess.

I cannot imagine the £10k for MPs expenses (if this is true - I don't even know if it is) has been introduced as some scam to lob them some extra bunce on the sly. There will be some rationale to it. And as I say, employers should be applauded for such behaviour. My employer has said I can claim up to £800 for additional office equipment. However since I am not a scrote, and I don't need any additional equipment, I won't be claiming for it. I suspect the same is true of many MPs as well.
I fancy a new printer Chippy if you would be so good as to organise that. Ta.
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