COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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It’s bound to be busier out today, lots of people doing shopping for 4/5 days. My butchers, for example, has been relatively quiet all week, today queue took 30 mins to get in. All the supermarkets near us have got huge queues outside.
Stocking up second homes.
Patrick Vallance

Transmission has slowed

New cases up but have not taken off sharply,maybe some flattening

Hosp admissions have gone up but not steeply

People in critical care has steady increase but not sharply

Hospital capacity is ok

Deaths rising ,will not change for a few weeks,continue to go up

Too early too be sure but signs of levelling off

Everyone is doing their bit
Just watch sky news in america they mentioned possibilty of a second and 3rd wave and not to understimate this virus.

Deaths will continue to go up for approx two more weeks

Transmission rate of hospital numbers was a doubling about every 3 days,now about every six days,because of lockdown,also slowing in the community

Still room in the NHS for everything that is needed,all conditions

Daily briefing bbc news

As in the number per day? Fucking hell that's concerning. We're already at 900+... wouldn't that mean we're not near the peak then?
Guardian reporting:

Germany’s army
is donating 60 mobile ventilators free of charge to the UK following a call for help as the NHS scrambles to get hold of enough life-saving equipment as the Covid-19 pandemic intensifies.
The German ministry said it would not invoice the UK for the ventilators.
More than 480 ventilators have arrived in the UK from overseas since March. They have been bought or donated from China, US, Germany, Sweden and Taiwan.

Cynical attempts to deflect attention from our second home-owning mendacious regime.

Just thought I’d get it in first.
Although not going out much, when I have been this week the roads are definitely getting busier.

From the back of my house I can now hear the hum of traffic again from Oldham bypass, Broadway and/or the M60.
Wind from the east today.
Sat in work today and the main road outside is like any normal day, loads of people are out, they need to go into total lockdown or we will be fucked. Sorry but the selfish pricks in this country are going to kill us.
Unless they start making examples of these twats it will just carry on.
As in the number per day? Fucking hell that's concerning. We're already at 900+... wouldn't that mean we're not near the peak then?
We have patients going into critical care still,not going sharply up but steadily stil! ,they have to either recover or die and that can take 2-3 weeks each patient
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