COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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You know absolutely nothing of what it was about, I never saw my arse and as for the other guy still digging away despite me not replying to him for hours.

Tip them every week if you feel they are doing a good job not just because the country is having a crisis, does that explain it better for you?
I read all the posts mate. You were very aggressive, which was unwarranted imo. I do not want to tip the bin men, but have no problem with anybody who does
How will you know who has it to steer clear of when they reopen everything, we like to call them secret carriers, who are the biggest dangers, no symptoms, no self isolating and spreading as they go about their business.

I mean, I could be one and that would be terrible in my line of work, dangerous even.

I don't see anything opening anytime soon. Nadine Dorries let the cat out of the bag by saying as much, that until a vaccine is created we remain locked down. When this was greeted with alarm she backtracked a bit.
High R0, high number of asymptomatic cases, same number of deaths. This is all good news. We really need more reliable antibody surveys because this all sniffs of dare I say Herd Immunity!
Can you explain why this is good news?
I don't see anything opening anytime soon. Nadine Dorries let the cat out of the bag by saying as much, that until a vaccine is created we remain locked down. When this was greeted with alarm she backtracked a bit.

And we should be imo, I know my life has not been impacted like other peoples and I am pretty much going about my business as normal, with added precautions obviously.

I get up, go to work, deliver food supplies, spend all day rubbing myself with anti-bac wash, clock off and come home, walk the dog, cook tea and play on PC all night and that is my sad life 24/7.

I can't imagine what it feels like to be caged in a block of flats for instance, I guess it must be hard due to all the people willing to break the rules to get out at all opportunities.
Maybe masks that they don't want us to wear for some reason might help.

Yes, you have to wonder about the mask advice tbh but then a mask is only good if you leave it in place and don't keep fiddling with it and then touching your face etc

Having in a past work life needed to wear one and goggles for construction purposes I could testify that this would drive me batty, they are awful to wear, as the pictures of the NHS staff testify with their bruised faces.
the only good answer is antibody passports I fear. But it my turn out that by the time they have the testing capability it's already burned through and Rt is tiny.

This lady is the one i have talking about seeing on CNN,she has been saying this for the last couple of weeks

Dr Maria van Kerkhove

"Right now, we have no evidence that the use of a serological test can show that an individual has immunity or is protected from reinfection."
She added: "These antibody tests will be able to measure that level of seroprevalence - that level of antibodies - but that does not mean that somebody with antibodies means that they are immune
Before the virus I was a fat disabled twat who`s best form of energy would be to get a round of drinks in.Since having to stay in and only having 1 night at home with a few beers,I have now gone from 17st 02 lbs to 16st 01 lb.
However the biggest change for me is finally doing some exercise in doors and feeling a lot fitter.I have in my wardrobe some 30+ shirts/tops which havn`t fit me for over 3-4 years.Only tried 3 of them on and wow,delighted that my gut doesn`t make me look like Jim Royle in his tight vest.
Set a target of getting down to 14st 00lb. Not over by a long shot but hell getting rid of 7 bags of sugar has given me the impetus in reaching my goal.

Well done Oakie. The hardest part is getting going. Now you have lost a bit, you feel good and want to keep going :-D
It's right there in the Post.

Herd Immunity because a much higher % of the population has already been infected.
Assuming you then have immunity. Rate of infection appears to be slowing as do hospital admissions and whilst number of deaths is high it isn’t increasing at a fast pace. Maybe we are at the peak now and next few weeks will see numbers drop and some relaxing of the rules may happen
This lady is the one i have talking about seeing on CNN,she has been saying this for the last couple of weeks

Dr Maria van Kerkhove

"Right now, we have no evidence that the use of a serological test can show that an individual has immunity or is protected from reinfection."
She added: "These antibody tests will be able to measure that level of seroprevalence - that level of antibodies - but that does not mean that somebody with antibodies means that they are immune

Antibodies can sometimes only last a short while - that would make passporting awkward
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