COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Did they ever reach a consensus on the use of ibuprofen? I know at one point there was concerns. Only asking as I feel quite under the weather today.
Tramadol. You¨ll feel great, you can drink like a fish and the hangover¨s very minimal. But they¨re addictive little bastards. Very addictive.
5 - 6000 new infections per day, 100,000 per day across the world. Figures we are told need the x 20 factor. What is causing all these new cases when I see empty streets everywhere. What is the one thing we do everyday. Why does nobody talk about the biggest reason fro transmission. We all shop and pay with card or card. No social distancing, virus from note or coin to next customer. Just my opinion but if correct it would basically shut down the world. Can anybod else give a reason for millions of infections. Please dont say wear a mask
Home,hosp,care homes are where the infections are,there are still millions of people going out
414 deaths. Still far too many but a steady decrease on last week.
I am of the same mind, but am forced to read rather than post these days — it took me an hour to voice dictate and then edit that post, so I now have to really consider when posting is worth the time and effort. I was quite prolific from the beginning of the thread (as were you), doing my best to steer the conversation toward evidence-based discussion, empathy, and earnest humour. I also introduced the likely substantial economic impact back in late January / early February — there were a few media outlets writing about it even then, but nowhere near the intense scrutiny now. However, that time for my participation has all but passed, as has the baton. It is encouraging to see you and others continue to guide the thread toward productive, open-minded, compassionate, holistic discussion and I do certainly hope that we (including our leaders) can look back at this period of our history knowing most helped each other toward an optimal, mutually beneficial outcome. I can’t say my hope extends to belief, though. As you said, we have all learned quite a lot about human behaviour over the last few months if we have been paying attention, especially as it relates to those in positions of power and influence.

Still, Bluemoon generally remains a bastion of support and solidarity, even despite occasional squabbles and handbags, which has become all the more important given what has already occurred and what is to come. I look forward to the continued discussion on here, even if my engagement will mostly be via liking posts.

Stay safe and pass to Silva.
You are breaking my heart seb,please stay in touch xxxxxxxx
A six-week-old baby has become one of the latest to die after testing positive for the coronavirus.

NHS England said the baby was among 332 people who have died after testing positive for the virus, bringing the total number of confirmed deaths in England's hospitals to 22,764.

The oldest patient was 103, and 22 of the 332 people - aged between 40 and 96 - had no known underlying health conditions

Public Health Wales has said 1,090 people have died after testing positive for coronavirus, an increase of 28 on Thursday's figures.

The number of deaths in Northern Ireland has increased by five to 427 and in Scotland, the number of deaths among those confirmed to have had COVID-19 has increased by 49 to 1,811

The number of deaths involving COVID-19 that have been registered across the UK now stands at 33,021, according to the Office for National Statistics
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