COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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You ever thought about a career in politics?

You’re right though, it’s just like when I go to see my mum to deliver shopping, she stays in the conservatory, they’ve opened the back gate before I arrive so I don’t have to touch anything, I then stand in the garden and have a chat for 10 mins and usually take one of my kids with me so she can see a grand child too. Simple common sense.

Ha ha I wish I'd gone into it when I was younger but too busy sailing the world, wine women and song. Once I started taking life a bit more seriously it was too late really but it's a good number and it could do with more working class people there for sure.
Don't ask me,you said it was clear lol
You see, this is where you’re falling into the trap, as outlined quite nicely by @paulchapo above, that they can’t itemise every single scenario and therefore they try to appeal to people who have more than 1 brain cell in their skull. When I deliver shopping they are behind a glass door in the conservatory and I’m never closer than 5 metres, so it’s not a case of me having an interaction where I need to worry about social distancing as it’s the equivalent of driving past someone on a pavement as I have glass between us and over 5 metres.

Common fucking sense.
Absolutely agreed. I think we've done a pretty poor job overall. I don't blame anyone in particular - no-one's been trying to be incompetent and no-one's been negligent or bone idle. I just think we've had a very, very difficult set of circumstances to deal with and have made some poor decisions.

To be honest every country has dealt with it in the exact same way, we've all been blindsided by it but that's because the virus and its spread was so poorly understood. Back in March we were all sat in our houses thinking this wasn't a threat, I was one of them. Yet meanwhile it was spreading around us like wildfire, far beyond predictions.

I can remember watching a massive military operation of planes landing at Brize Norton only a couple of months ago with people led off by folk in Hazmat suits! Little did they know that in all likeliness the greater threat was sat on the tube in London where it was being passed around person to person with ease.

They reckon 10% have had it in London, 10%!!! That's 6000 infected in a capacity Etihad.

Basically the lockdown was imposed too slowly however that is the nature of this virus. The Asian countries are ahead of us on this because they've done it before, they're used to outbreaks, wearing masks in public and abiding by rules which includes the use of apps etc for state tracking. Here the first response to a COVID-19 tracking app is an army of lawyers preventing it's use because of privacy laws!

I just don't think there was anything anyone could of done without the gift of foresight. Obviously the politically entwined are more than happy to point out how a Labour government or whatever would have this all nipped in the bud by now.... Yes that's a Labour government that would be advised to do the same thing by the same scientific community advising this government.
You see, this is where you’re falling into the trap, as outlined quite nicely by @paulchapo above, that they can’t itemise every single scenario and therefore they try to appeal to people who have more than 1 brain cell in their skull. When I deliver shopping they are behind a door and I’m never closer than 5 metres, so it’s not a case of me having an interaction where I need to worry about social distancing as it’s the equivalent of driving past someone on a pavement as I have glass between us and over 5 metres.

Common fucking sense.
Ha you just broke two rules,they are very clear about the garden and I person meeting one person at a time,it is nonsense but that is the new rule,it is then you need to tell it is common sense not me! Less picking more listening !
Anyway people have had enough of us two
But breaking all the rules as per hancock

Asked if someone could meet a friend in their garden, as long as distancing rules were adhered to, Mr Hancock told BBC Breakfast: "It's not necessarily more safe than meeting in a park, and we said that should only happen in public places

Plus only one person should meet one person at a time

Need a warrant to enter and arrest someone in their own property they can do it easily in a public space. Need to start getting some fines in to pay for the furloughed!
Of the 23,709 confirmed reported deaths so far in hospitals in England of people who tested positive for Covid-19

(53%) have been people aged 80 and over
(39%) were 60-79, NHS England said.

So 91% of all hospital Covid-19 deaths have been people aged 60 or over.

(8%) were aged 40-59
(1%) aged 20-39
(0.05%) aged 0-19.

Not posted for a good number of days days as my life is currently dominated by Google Hangout and Microsoft Team meetings. Just finished with my American owners, trying to explain the new furlough announcements. If I am honest I am starting to get really down, and I am normally so pragmatic and strong. Managed to limit our statutory payment redundancies to just under 700 so far, but not confident that there won't be significantly more.
Again, I apologise upfront, but if Blue Hammer's ONS stats are correct, this tells me roughly, outside of care homes, that the death rate below 40 is approximately 4/5 per day (without understanding any underlying health problems they may have had), since the 'commencement' of the outbreak, roughly 8 weeks? Hope everyone is well. Some food now, then bed.
Does the virus only infect people who have face to face chats for 15 minutes?

What about 14 minutes? Would that be ok?

The government's rules on this are fucking absurd.
It's called statistical modeling where you throw in all the standard behaviours and the risk of each where the goal is to reduce R below, say, 0.75. And you draw the line where the combined distribution's upper quartile of R is at 0.75.
Work back from there and you get 14 minutes is OK but 15 isn't.
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You see, this is where you’re falling into the trap, as outlined quite nicely by @paulchapo above, that they can’t itemise every single scenario and therefore they try to appeal to people who have more than 1 brain cell in their skull. When I deliver shopping they are behind a glass door in the conservatory and I’m never closer than 5 metres, so it’s not a case of me having an interaction where I need to worry about social distancing as it’s the equivalent of driving past someone on a pavement as I have glass between us and over 5 metres.

Common fucking sense.

The only reason why you can only see one person outside of your household group is so you don't give it to two people, or so there isn't a double chance of them giving it to you. The reason why the meeting has to take place outside is because inside a house the surfaces etc could be infected.

The risk with strangers is lower because you aren't likely to come into contact with them unless people really do just go out to rabbit to total strangers.

Like you say it's absolute common sense but it's also a balance of risk. Even those who 100% follow the rules can still infect people.

I find it incredibly easy, if you have to meet someone then keep your distance, wear a mask, wear gloves or just do whatever you can. Or, if you just fancy a chat, why not just ring them instead?

Again like you've said, I don't see why there needs to be an itemised list of things we can do. A brain that understands how the virus spreads is all that is required and if you're having to ask if you can do something then don't worry and just don't do it.
Absolutely agreed. I think we've done a pretty poor job overall. I don't blame anyone in particular - no-one's been trying to be incompetent and no-one's been negligent or bone idle. I just think we've had a very, very difficult set of circumstances to deal with and have made some poor decisions.
Agreed. It's what happens when you drive the thing with UK beuracrates. I predicted it would be typical British muddling-on shit way back and the only way around it was to totally flatten the management structure and put the armed forces in charge of communications. It was the only way to get strategic and tactical flexibility into the mix.
I've worked with these fuckers for 10 out of the last 20 years and I know how bad they are at making any decisions or implementing common sense.
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