COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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I have a question, I tested positive the wife was negative. If she test positive in the future would I have to isolate for 14 days because I live in the same house.
I would say, yes. Because even if you are now immune (not to say that’s true yet), you can still carry the virus on your skin, in your nostrils, even on your clothes, to be transmitted to other people.
Is Qatar experiencing problems with infection of migrant workers?
Yeah I think so, numbers of new cases daily are very high. But not because of people walking their dog or running. It’s because of shit like this

Surely not walking your dog in that heat? my dogs won't go out in high temps (hurts their paws) and as for running in high temps it sounds a bit suicidal.
Not yet legal here in Spain but most people here certainly wear a mask though when out of their houses.
Four times a day but we only walk him on shaded grass and only for about five minutes at a time to do his business.

He gets his exercise swimming May-Aug as there’s cooled dog hydrotherapy pool we take him to.
Yeah I think so, numbers of new cases daily are very high. But not because of people walking their dog or running. It’s because of shit like this

That’s what every corner and free kick will be like when the Prem starts up again in three weeks.

Fucking ridiculous - both your picture (can’t believe people would be so daft!); and the Prem starting up (can’t believe people would be so daft!)
Are we reckoning that the Germany study of the carnival town of Gangelt and the American study of who had had it in New York State were utterly unreliable? But hurrah, the Brits have got it right.
Roche are actually a Swiss company, but it's a bit more complex than that.
This is commercially available for more extensive testing I don't know what the other studies were using, the UK itself has some very accurate testing ability but not so far the ability to do it on a widespread basis.
The mathematics of testing are such that you can use a slightly inaccurate test to give a reasonable population estimate if you know the accuracy but not a reasonable individual result.
My research that kids can catch it but don't spread it to adults much is now confirmed by SAGE. Teachers are more ar risk from teachers.
You need to read that article (and the other evidence) more closely. Much more closely.Or,why don't you just now wander around and ask any kid to cough in your face or wipe their hands across your mouth. You'll be fine. "Your research" tells you so.
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