COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Yougov says this
Who can get a test
You can get a test:

  • for yourself, if you have coronavirus symptoms now (a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste)
  • for someone you live with, if they have symptoms
  • if you live in England and have been told to have a test before you go into hospital, for example, for surgery
  • if your local council asks you to get a test
This service is for people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
You just tick you have a temperature,they don't check just send you one,if might even have changed recently to everyone,the gov want as many tested as posible,they send it,collect it next day and results in 48 hrs,have several neighbours who have done it
Whilst your data is very welcome you do need a bit of context around some of your narrative. Without a vaccine there is absolutely no chance of you ever reporting that ‘today there were zero new cases’, so cases staying at around the same levels for about 2 months now, must be good news not sad news. More targeted testing of likely positive patients but still finding similar numbers is also good news. The absolute panic about people marching, out on beaches and even going to pubs is not translating into increases in cases nor, much more importantly, increases in deaths or hospitalisation even in the lockdown ‘hotspots’.

The stats are great. Other people can contribute context but that's always likely to involve a level of bias. For example, recent ONS data is showing that hospital and care home deaths are down but deaths in people's own homes are up and I don't think we know why. There might a range / combination of reasons why deaths in people's homes are up e.g. some people are scared to use health services during the pandemic; "troopers" who don't realise how ill they are; increased domestic violence or mental health driven factors from the partial lockdown; high prevalence of Covid amongst Asian people who tend to die at home rather be art of end of life care pathways in much of the Country etc. Sometimes we just don't know the answers.

In addition, do we know for sure that testing is more targeted? Earlier on in the pandemic people were being tested who reported symptoms that by definition achieves a degree of targeting.
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You just tick you have a temperature,they don't check just send you one,if might even have changed recently to everyone,the gov want as many tested as posible,they send it,collect it next day and results in 48 hrs,have several neighbours who have done it

good job 60 million didn’t do that when you were ill and needed a test.

it’s clear only people who have symptoms should request a test or frontline workers who need testing.

its irresponsible to suggest or advise people LIE to get a test , the result of which could or would have been a complete collapse in the system and people who genuinely needed a test would have been put Off by getting one due to the wait or the wait for the results, or worse not get one at all.

I recall you once criticising me by saying something like , I bet you are one of those people who haven’t been tested.

i did wonder what you meant. I know now.
totally irresponsible and I am glad the vast majority of the country are not abusing the system in the same way.
I think we all anticipated this but the terrible figures about how this is affecting people's mental health are now coming out. Depression has almost doubled that they know about and a high percentage in young people.

I fear this will get worse as furlough ends and more lose their jobs.

We need to start accelerating the exit from this lockdown. The slow approach has worked brilliantly and the numbers keep tumbling. Hopefully more restrictions can be lifted ASAP and we can get things moving further.
good job 60 million didn’t do that when you were ill and needed a test.

it’s clear only people who have symptoms should request a test or frontline workers who need testing.

its irresponsible to suggest or advise people LIE to get a test , the result of which could or would have been a complete collapse in the system and people who genuinely needed a test would have been put Off by getting one due to the wait or the wait for the results, or worse not get one at all.

I recall you once criticising me by saying something like , I bet you are one of those people who haven’t been tested.

i did wonder what you meant. I know now.
totally irresponsible and I am glad the vast majority of the country are not abusing the system in the same way.

I saw a media report a couple of weeks ago that youngsters in Manchester were going partying on a Friday and Saturday, then going to be tested on Monday's. This is irresponsible and pointless with the five day or so incubation period.
good job 60 million didn’t do that when you were ill and needed a test.

it’s clear only people who have symptoms should request a test or frontline workers who need testing.

its irresponsible to suggest or advise people LIE to get a test , the result of which could or would have been a complete collapse in the system and people who genuinely needed a test would have been put Off by getting one due to the wait or the wait for the results, or worse not get one at all.

I recall you once criticising me by saying something like , I bet you are one of those people who haven’t been tested.

i did wonder what you meant. I know now.
totally irresponsible and I am glad the vast majority of the country are not abusing the system in the same way.

Can't help but reminded of the time the government, in a desperate attempt in inflate testing figures to meet its own arbritary target, started contacting party members on its mailing list inviting them to go for a test just for the sake of it.
I saw a media report a couple of weeks ago that youngsters in Manchester were going partying on a Friday and Saturday, then going to be tested on Monday's. This is irresponsible and pointless with the five day or so incubation period.


as cases fall and testing increases. Voluntary and random sample testing will come and will be a good way of controlling the virus

up until then then the rules are clear you have to have symptoms, not fake them , to get a test.
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